When will the government ever learn?
2008-03-06 22:58:39 UTC
Saddly, hardly a day goes by without a major article in the press regarding binge drinking, murders, violence, rape and crime.

Royal Princes and pop-stars given prominence and 'role' models for our young people, drinking laws that have become a laughing stock and disgrace for the UK all over the civilised world.

Twenty answers:
alan h
2008-03-07 00:58:10 UTC
Fair question.

Do not ask anyone to drink and think!!!
2008-03-07 07:03:58 UTC
hmmm the goverment will never learn. won't you learn that the gov. won't learn? haha
2008-03-07 07:05:01 UTC
2008-03-07 10:04:06 UTC
the reason we have this problem is simply because these good people r depressed, they r not inspired, not in spirit!! ( spiritual )? no pun intended. wheres the feel good factor? where r the role models, the heroes, leaders ( please don't use winston as an ex )? not surprising really, is it? all u have 2 do is look at the so called politicians, what a disgraceful bunch, eh. totally amoral yet people vote 4 them?! (insane!!! why. ). what kind of message r they . sending? the media r worse. do anything for ur 30p!! bombarding us with negativity 24/7. result: de-sensitised- de-humanised. de- pressed. could that b why the kids r suicidal. where can i find stats on teenage suicides?? drinkings not the problem, drinkings the answer for these 'misguided' kids ( my 16 yr old son was murdered by 1 of them ). at the end of the day its all about being able 2 maintain self esteem. something has 2 change. if ur not depressed!! theres something wrong with u!!. don't blame the goverment!! blame the people who vote 4 them. k.i.s.s. there is a solution?! God blesses. urs the reluctant messiah
2008-03-07 07:07:12 UTC
No one is shoving the stuff down these idiots throats, they do that for themselves. They can do a number of things, shut down all outlets that sell alcohol to underage drinkers, make a high age limit on selling it in pubs, clubs, say 21, and fine the yobs for the inconvenience of getting an ambulance and police involved when they overload. Murders, rapes are a totally different set of problems not often fuelled by alcohol, but by men believing that they are above the law and can do as they want, hence we have people like Bellfield roaming the streets and murdering at will. Power and hatred of women is the cause primarily of people like him and those other despicable bstards like Steve Wright, and Mark Dixie.

This country always had a culture of drinking, for the working class, it was woven into the fabric of their lives, they didn't have much and often worked hard for low pay but everyone went to a pub or working man's club. Those are from my own experiences of being a child and then growing up.
2008-03-07 07:03:00 UTC
why suddenly does a kid need role model to know the difference
2008-03-07 07:02:36 UTC
When we bring them down to their knees and "Take the Power Back!"
2008-03-07 10:50:28 UTC
i dont think they will till its too late, even then they cant get their acts together.
2008-03-07 09:54:40 UTC
The government seem reluctant to revoke the new 24 hr drinking rule, due me thinks to the tax and pressure coming from those making vast profits out of booze,

it doesn't matter that our emergency services are on their knees trying to cope, and any one with a bit of sense steers clear of the trouble spots, we have very few role models as you put on the front pages of the red tops, only the drug and boozed up so called stars showing our kids the way to hell

this country needs help from a strong thick skinned hero someone who's not afraid to tell it like it is but who ?
David V
2008-03-07 09:21:58 UTC
They wont Ron until we get into power and change the hero's to valid ones business people, soldiers, carers etc
2008-03-07 08:29:11 UTC
when they stop lining there own pockets, and remember one basic rule , they were put there by the people for the people , not get there then do what they like
Gordon Bennet
2008-03-07 11:10:22 UTC
Quote: drinking laws that have become a laughing stock and disgrace for the UK all over the civilised world.

I think you'll find the UK was one of the last countries to adopt the 24 hour law and it has not been a problem in most of the other European countries. It's not the governments fault if the public go out and abuse it, the problem is because of the licensing laws before, particularly on a Sunday, where a lunch time drink was resticted to 2 hours so people were drinking as much as they could before closing time. Having flexible drinking times will eventually work as the younger generation realise they can have a drink when they like and are under no pressure to 'drink up', it will just take time.

As for the 'role models' you can hardly blame that on the government, the front pages of the tabloids are displaying what the masses want, that's the public.

By the way it's 'sadly' just the 1 'd'.

Love Gordon.
2008-03-07 08:00:44 UTC
Blaming the government on this one is just hitting the easy target.

The only discipline worth having in society in general and the family in particular is self discipline. The trendy lefties used to call this repression which it is not. The government and ourselves are to blame in that we have all been taken in by the "let it all hang out" and do as you want attitude and as a consequence we have allowed this to happen that young people who have always tended to do things to the excess and were dealt with for it within the family are now answerable to no one but the authorities. Putting up the price of booze will solve nothing because the price of illegal drugs has already dropped to the point at which it is cheaper than the booze. A long and hard campaign for self discipline must be instigated and followed through in families the government the Churches the Media and the schools with an education of how to use alcohol in a proper manner (two drinks is enough may be wise but oh so boring) Ear when you drink may be more appropriate and when you stop eating stop drinking. This sort of advice may just just be heeded eventually
2008-03-07 07:12:44 UTC
It's the systems way ............revenue is generated by influenced , chaos.

We have it here in America also.

Remember the movie "Fast and the Furious"

Honda made a lot of money off of that movie, the kids are still building those dream cars today. But none of them last , there not designed to.

The governments control the media, and the media influences the kids , the kids try to duplicate what they see and pay the price, that funds the governments.

Truth is the governments make money of influencing a controlled state of chaos.

It's pretty sick if you ask me.
2008-03-07 07:16:04 UTC
I have a theory on all of this and will briefly explain.. before the introduction of the welfare state if you were thick and stupid you generally didnt live long or procreate. But since the welfare state was introduced and now supports the thick stupid people around us they have multiplied beyond control. Generally thick people marry other thick people and have thick children. They have more children than the average middle class intelligent family also. We have enabled about 5 generations of dumb thick people to survive who make up the larger percentai of criminals and petty offences that make society unbearable. This is just a brief explanation and goes a lot deeper but please think about this concept and you will see its true. The balance of respectable intelligent to thick crime ridden lazy people is getting smaller and society is going down. Same with the drink culture this has always happened BUT only in small communities like mining towns or working mens clubs, ie lower intelligent people. But as they have mulitiplied they have filled our towns and cities and bought the pubs and drinking culture with them.
max m
2008-03-07 07:12:49 UTC
Why should the government learn? They already control too much of our lives. It is up to parents and individuals to start taking an interest in what is going on around them and not leave everything for others to sort out.
Well, said Alberto
2008-03-07 07:15:18 UTC
They could do better but try to remember that this is a democracy & like any democratic government they are worried about doing the right thing if it is unpopular with too many people.
2008-03-07 07:32:16 UTC
not sure this is all down to government - i think more to do with media - nearly all popular shows - Eastenders, Corrie, emmerdale etc surround a pub with continual drinking etc. Therefore it is acceptable and therefore will carry on.
2008-03-07 07:01:37 UTC
Its not just the governments fault. Even crows eat alcoholic apples.
Lady B
2008-03-07 07:03:02 UTC
This is why I emigrated !

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