it might help if you asked why almost every country in the world despises America, it is not our wealth, nor our power it is simple because we support so many different crooks etc,
lets start with Rhodesia, our gov, pretty much forced the world to blockade them as they were called prejudice and had a apartheid gov, and the u,s, didn't like that so south Africa and Rhodesia was put on the worlds black list , so the finally gave in and let a commie take over that the u,s supported,
Robert McGavey in Rhodesia, and Nelson Mandela in South Africa, the U,S, knew these men were communist, why??
when they took over and had the Authority they disarmed all of the whites then they ran them off or killed them from their farms ,businesses or ?? now they are starving and the country's are in such a mess , killings, robbery's. prostitution, and now it looks like A.I.D.S. will finish them off,
then we have supported Israel for the last 60years. and helped them kill the Palestinians as if they were rats at the garbage dump, we even gave them cluster bombs todrop against the civilian population , these bombs were out lawed by N,A,T,O, AND THE U,N, years ago, plus billions of dollars and $billions in cash and billions in weaponery,, why??
the U,S, has supported every communist dictator or scum bag in the world as long as they kissed our azzes and gave our politicans a kick back,in bribes,
so could I ask ? what has theU,S, did to get any one to like or respect us? in the fiftys when we went into a country , people welcomed us with open arms, now when I go to another country I am afraid to let it be known I am a American,
don't tell me this B,S, about how we give aid to other country's , we only give aid to those, who we know will give some of it back to our politicians, the people seldom get any thing from the U,S, except a damned lie and B.S.about how great we are , do you think these people are that stupid?
America is her own worst enemy, by supporting these regimes such as Israel , people know what is going on there,