why is the u.s hated so much in south america?
2007-03-09 22:55:01 UTC
Is it because the u.s supports dictators of south american countires that oppress the poor people of the country.Is it because the dictators the u.s supports move indeginious people from thier home lands and deforest and mine huge amounts of rain forests in order so the u.s can obtain minerals and timber to build thier cites or is it because evil capitalist policies are forced upon the poor people of south america so it only benifits and few greedy people and large corperations and not the people. what do people think?
25 answers:
2007-03-09 23:35:39 UTC
I will tell you "my version" as to why.

Globally, in countries such as most of them in SA., it is so easy to "divert" the government "grown", "subdued", "poor","hungry","uneducated" and "downtrodden", into believing there is this "big powerful evil" called America, and that is the reason of their centuries of suffering under one warlord admnistration to another. One Communist/socialist looser government to the next.

If you were Chavez and any other of his buddies there, or in Africa and the Sub-Continent, wouldn't you do the same? Take a look at the way their government officials live and are in their palaces, and then you will understand.
2007-03-10 08:24:04 UTC
The question shows the anti-American, anti-capitalist bias of the questioner. Yes, there was U. S. support for dictators, but only because of their opposition to the dictatorship of Communism. We held our noses and did what we thought we had to do. Since the collapse of the Soviet empire the U. S. has supported more democratic governments.

Most of the deforestation was to supply local timber and clear land for farming. The U. S. has its own huge timber industry which harvests and replants whole forests. Do you really think the U. S. is one huge city gulping down resources from the rest of the world? We have plenty of our own minerals and wood. Some tropical woods are exported worldwide, blame the world for the deforestation by local timber companies. Blame the slash and burn farming of ignorant locals who don't know any better. Blame the local governments for not protecting indigenous people from the greed of their own citizens.

The nations in South America which have the least poverty are also the ones which have the most free enterprise, the most capitalism and the least repressive governments. A corporation is made up of a lot of people who have a little money getting together, investing, to create a business that will profit them and employ people who otherwise would have no job. Corporations are not evil. They provide jobs that would not otherwise exist and therefore benefit the people.

Do evil and greedy people exist in any economic system? Of course, but when the government runs business those people become entrenched and protected by the government. In a free economy greed will price your business out of the market and less greedy people will replace the few greedy people. That is competition. The questioner understands very little and has an agenda to push.

If the U. S. is so hated by South Americans, why do so many of them want to come here? They want to live here so much that they come illegally. Why don't they stay home and work and fight to make their own countries more like the U. S.? The U. S. was not always rich, it has been made that way by millions of legal immigrants who came here for freedom and the ability to start their own businesses or find jobs in a capitalist system.
2007-03-09 23:17:47 UTC
Because the South American countries are losers. And I do agree with you about the rain forests. I'm unbelievably angry about that timber being cut. And they wonder why our 'air quality' is hurting. Trees take on carbon dioxide and give off oxygen...but these idiots have been doing that a lot longer then the GWB administration has held office...that's for sure. You'd have to talk to the greedy corporate people about that. It has nothing to do with the little guy. Just builders...overbuilding in a nation that is now OVERPOPULATED. Although, as far as where I live, they have in many cases begun to build homes and businesses without much wood, and using steel instead of timber 2 x 4's.

The evil capitalist policies are forced because the South American people do not stand up for themselves. So what could anyone from there expect.

Besides, after I head how they greeted our President, and downed the American people, I have no use for anyone or anything from South America. By being just spills the milk right out of the cat's bowl.
2007-03-10 02:43:17 UTC
Let's wife is Brasilian. Brasil had democratically elected a left wing president (Goulart) in 1960. US of A were REALLY scared that they were going to have a left wing threat from a country about the size of China on their doorstep (just after Cuba remember) so what they did was directly sponsor a right wing military coup in 1964. Oppression was widespread, those who disagreed with the military just "vanished". The lucky ones went into exile. The CIA were dispatched to train the government forces in "efficient torture" techniques. Brasil had a military dictatorship for over 20 years with help from those bastards.

Of course, it wasn't just Brasil. They've done it in Chile, probably Argentina too. More recently they tried to do the same in Venezuela (hey but they have oil so that was too obvious). Given all the American interference in Columbia too I wouldn't be surprised if the Yanks have their fingers in that pie.

In Central America it's well known what they did in Nicaragua.

It's not just Latin America, the foreign policy of these animals is de-stabalising societies all over the world.

Mind you all this from a country that is the only one in the Western World to still openly support State Sponsored executions (Yanks are barbarians).

If there are any decent Americans left (I live in hope), do the decent thing & take the psycho's you have in power "out". Doesn't your constitution give you the right to do that?
2007-03-09 23:54:59 UTC
1) It's not because the US supports the dictators in general -- there are and have been many South American dictators that hated the US and also oppressed their people. However, many South (and Central) Americans don't like the fact that the US has historically meddled so deeply into their national politics. This desire to be free from US influence in local decisions is probably the smaller part of the equation.

2) The larger part of the reason is that Latin America is the most economically inequal region on Earth. It's got a few rich elites, an enormous impoverished underclass, and a relatively small middle class. Many of the elites like to point to the US as the "bad guy" to shift the blame from themselves. This isn't necessarily "evil capitalism" itself but just poorly-regulated capitalism with virtually no social safety net.

As for why the poor in South America buy into this rhetoric rather than voting in people who will better redistribute the wealth, I don't know. Maybe they are too uneducated to realize what's happening. Or maybe its just easier to blame someone else instead of realizing that its your country and your leaders that got you into this mess. Argentina, for example, was one of the richest countries in the world a century ago... and it wasn't the U.S. that caused its downward spiral.
james w
2007-03-09 23:50:08 UTC
it might help if you asked why almost every country in the world despises America, it is not our wealth, nor our power it is simple because we support so many different crooks etc,

lets start with Rhodesia, our gov, pretty much forced the world to blockade them as they were called prejudice and had a apartheid gov, and the u,s, didn't like that so south Africa and Rhodesia was put on the worlds black list , so the finally gave in and let a commie take over that the u,s supported,

Robert McGavey in Rhodesia, and Nelson Mandela in South Africa, the U,S, knew these men were communist, why??

when they took over and had the Authority they disarmed all of the whites then they ran them off or killed them from their farms ,businesses or ?? now they are starving and the country's are in such a mess , killings, robbery's. prostitution, and now it looks like A.I.D.S. will finish them off,

then we have supported Israel for the last 60years. and helped them kill the Palestinians as if they were rats at the garbage dump, we even gave them cluster bombs todrop against the civilian population , these bombs were out lawed by N,A,T,O, AND THE U,N, years ago, plus billions of dollars and $billions in cash and billions in weaponery,, why??

the U,S, has supported every communist dictator or scum bag in the world as long as they kissed our azzes and gave our politicans a kick back,in bribes,

so could I ask ? what has theU,S, did to get any one to like or respect us? in the fiftys when we went into a country , people welcomed us with open arms, now when I go to another country I am afraid to let it be known I am a American,

don't tell me this B,S, about how we give aid to other country's , we only give aid to those, who we know will give some of it back to our politicians, the people seldom get any thing from the U,S, except a damned lie and B.S.about how great we are , do you think these people are that stupid?

America is her own worst enemy, by supporting these regimes such as Israel , people know what is going on there,
2007-03-10 04:27:29 UTC
For anyone who has difficulty with the history of any nation trying to impose its culture on its neighbours a good starting place for analytical survey of man's inhumanity towards man I suggest "Why do people hate America?" by Ziauddin Sardar & Merryl Wyn Davies published by Icon Books Ltd, Cambridge UK.

The world is over run by control freaks. The more power you have over people the greater the deterministic systems of control must be designed and engineered so that a mechanism for longevity of power is firmly established.

This is why America has spawned a myriad of 'Institutes' and cabals of academics and 'experts' in the last 50 years that has given them the power of control.

Nothing new here. The British did it in Africa and India duiring the Victorian industrial revolution. What America has done is to refine and develop the core idea of Empire as a 'system' that works. It worked for the ancient world, so in the modern idiom of bacterium, chemical, nuclear and genetic science it speaks today in the rise of America as a world super power.

The one frightening aspect to science is its abuse by the major super powers who use it to accelerate, with their institutes and authorities producing mountains of papers justifying their nations fundamentally inept and incoherent ideology and foreign policy, the social engineering of an over-consuming homogenous body politique, to wit, that becomes like one dinosaur this planet has never seen before. We can't be sure what circumstances precipitated the extinction of the Dinosaur that once roamed the entire planet, and scientists disagree with their theories, but one thing is absolutely certain about the present Dinosaur, it will destroy its environment. The social and economic processes that have been institutionalised as truth no doubt will run their predictable course and like the runaway train needing brakes, nature will provide one that stops us in our tracks. And no doubt, as always, people will blame the God they never believed in. As usual also, it will be the academic community that fire starts the hatred of God and the burning of Christians as a placatory sacrifice for their own guilt and judgement.

So, whether its the US or not who are to blame for trouble spots around the globe, the prognosis is more certain now than it has ever been, ever since the first nuclear test, the human race has got its hands on powers that it is not fit to possess.

In my book DNA of SIN the prognosis reads like a prophecy come true and still we bury our heads in the sand and say, 'God does not exist, we are in control of our environment'

Christians - get yourselves ready, like Christ did in Gethsemene, for a blood bath.
Reg Tedious
2007-03-09 23:34:36 UTC
Why limit your question to South America. The US messes with countries all over the world, especially the Middel East.
2007-03-09 23:02:48 UTC
The US might be hated but if the US stopped sending soldiers and aid there, then South America would be hurting. I honestly don't think that South American hates the US, I know a lot of people who are from Belize and countries, and they like the US, they travel here for vacation and then they go home.
2007-03-09 23:16:39 UTC
Evil capitalists! WoW!

Socialism lives!

Do you really think we walk in, kick their rulers out and take over?

Are you familiar with how many dictatorships exist in South America, whether local or country-wide? How often these same governments switch leaders by violent overthrow that has nothing to do with the U.S.?

Go study it's history.

The U.S. government tries to support governments that are friendly and make it hard on governments that are anti-American.

Gee, we are so bad for protecting our own interests.

When did that become "bad" except to enemies of the U.S.?

Who do you think you are fooling? We've heard all this a hundred times and discussed it? Only our youngest citizens are fooled and they don't stay fooled long. They grow up.

Dictators of a dozen countries abuse their people and make private deals to defraud them. Some of our companies make these deals (as well as countries around the world who are far more abusive), but OUR government actively tries to stop them.

Why do you think you see such things in the news? Why do you think we discuss them?

We have free speech, so OUR dirty laundry is always out in the wind.

In dictatorships, they kill their dissenters. They look squeaky clean because they kill anyone who pulls out their dirty laundry.

No thanks to socialism, no thanks to nonsense like "the world hates the U.S.", no thanks to "evil capitalism hate speech".

Your argument just sounds silly.
2007-03-10 02:31:43 UTC
Because the people of South America obviously have more brains than the idiot republicans here.
Clean heart
2007-03-10 04:40:54 UTC
Not only in South America everywhere because of what you mention
2007-03-12 22:11:09 UTC
Neo-conservative vampires,United Fruit and the CIA,Chile...Paraguay...Argentina
2007-03-09 23:29:26 UTC

It is not hated only in south america, Every sound minded person hates America, not because it America, But because of its unfair & terrorising foreign policies.

* look , Afganistan, Iraq, Sumalia & it blind support to the organized terror regieme in Israel.

* In the past, Japan & veitnam.

** US is led by a real terrorist l& eivel eader nowadays (Bush).

2007-03-10 03:11:33 UTC
Good question and good answer. You answered it yourself. Spot on. You deserve the 10 points!
Watcher 465
2007-03-09 23:08:47 UTC
It's for all the reasons you mention. I don't know what aid America gives them but it certainly doesn't get to the people.
2007-03-09 22:59:25 UTC
No it is because we jack with all their spammers claiming deaths of super rich parents who squirreled away millions of US currency but need grandma on a pension to get it out.

I keep them going for it.
2007-03-09 23:43:50 UTC
Because of all the things you mentioned and more.
2007-03-09 22:58:13 UTC
They don't mind taking the Aid though.
Charles R
2007-03-09 23:11:40 UTC
well, one, becase of holly wood, and two, the stupid people in us (majority) follow hollywood example.

I hate it too, ( i am an "american"_)
Geoff E
2007-03-09 23:06:39 UTC
I think you might have answered your question.
2007-03-09 23:01:54 UTC
Yeah, it's probably at least one of those reasons.
2007-03-09 23:42:29 UTC
absolutely no idea
2007-03-09 23:02:21 UTC
Don't know
wats up
2007-03-09 22:58:39 UTC
good question......

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