I don't know ... I have mixed feelings ... people, by my understanding, become drug addicts by choice ... they individually make the decision to pick up the needle and stick in their individual bodies ... whether it be arm, leg, or wherever ...
The person made the choice in the first place, for whatever reason, to use the drug ....
the government and other organizations provide excellent 'recovery' programs ... which are readily available, to my understanding, for folks with drug difficulties.
yet, safe drug facilities attempt to ensure that there will be a generation to "inherit" this country ... and it is a sorry outlook to consider that folks who are drug addicted will "inherit" the country.
If safe drug injection sites can ensure the prevention of HIV/aids then it is likely a more cost-effective way to spend tax dollars ... than the medical expenses of assisting HIV/aids patients.
So ... you can see I am torn on the topic.
It is in my mind ... similar to capital punishment ... I'd like to think we are civilized enough to not want capital punishment ... yet ... when you look at an individual like Clifford Olson .... it really makes it difficult to be altruistic about it.
Hopefully other folks will be more definite ... and will be able to comfortably live with their decisions ... for myself ... it is a toughie.
A note to Lois-Anne:
Maybe you ought to check your facts and figures before making wild statements about the salaries of Members of Parliament [not that I agree with the amount they get] .. because they do not get millions as you think ...
In fact the Prime Minister's salary is:
The Canadian prime minister lives in an official residence at 24 Sussex Drive, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada’s capital. The prime minister also has a summer residence on a private lake outside Ottawa. The salary of the prime minister was C$160,640 in 1999.
And the President of the United States of American makes even less:
Well .. it seems that has changed .. and that Bill Clinton's salary was less than $225,000.00 per year.
On one particularly good day in Canada, Clinton made $475,000 for two speeches, more than double his annual salary as president.