Democrats act like Obama was Jesus?
2019-08-02 17:05:13 UTC
What did he do as president that made him so great ?
77 answers:
2019-08-05 00:46:44 UTC
Obama wasn’t Jesus and Democrats have made it clear they hate white people.
2019-08-04 04:26:39 UTC
He was a man of integrity & respect. He seemed to respect everyone -even those on opposite sides. He united people & would never name call & label others the way the current office holder does! He was a man of confidence & intelligence & an exemplary father & husband! He made the majority proud to be Americans! Something we are seriously lacking today sadly. People felt safe under his watch.
2019-08-03 23:00:54 UTC
Not an Obama fan, but he did deport about 3 million people, the most of any U.S. President. By comparison Trump has only deported around 55,000. You have to give credit where credit is due. It's kind of ironic that if Obama was on the debate stage with the other Democrats, his views would be seen as far right by comparison.
Magic 8 Ball
2019-08-03 15:40:46 UTC
Obama was sh*t and Trump is worse. I'm not a democrat, though. :\
2019-08-03 15:23:08 UTC
He inherited a financial crisis & did his part to fix it.

He helped to create health care for millions who did not have &/or were victimized by it.

He gave people of color some hope that they too can be part of the American dream.

He helped to get an infrastructure bill passed..something that hasn't happened since even though both parties say that they want it & America needs it.

He tried to fairly fix our immigration problem.
Warren T
2019-08-03 12:29:19 UTC
2019-08-02 18:28:24 UTC
Who is saying that?
2019-08-02 17:28:03 UTC
Worst president in history, followed by Carter.
2019-08-02 17:19:42 UTC
This is amusing, considering how any deviation from the Trump doctrine is treated as heresy by the Republican base. Do you even see how ridiculous this makes you?

Democrats respect Obama for the grace with which he handled the abuse the racists threw at him and his family,and for the calm and efficiency he demonstrated when he assumed office just as the Bush tax cuts and deregulation were coiming home to roost and the economy was crumbling. We are grateful that Osama bin ladn was found and killed under his watch.

What kind of accomplishments has Donald Trump achieved compared to that, yet you conservatives treat him as a Demigod. While Obama spoke to us adult to adult in clear language, Trump howls obscenities and insults in broken sentences. Given the foul disgrace of trump it is natural for us all to look back at Obama with regret for his departure.

We admire a decent man; you support a disgrace to the office. Your argument is rebutted.
2019-08-02 17:07:29 UTC
Yet, now they attack him.
2019-08-07 16:22:08 UTC
You apparently missed the last debate if you think that. In order to combat Biden the Dem field is becoming highly critical of the Obama administration.
2019-08-05 23:16:34 UTC
Best thing barry ever did was leave office
2019-08-05 04:10:21 UTC
That's because they are stupid!
2019-08-04 07:02:36 UTC
Not all democrats liked him just like not all republicans like trump.
2019-08-04 00:07:17 UTC
He gave money out what else big payouts in the form of parties and monuments the big payouts to foriegners.

What else would it be but money?
2019-08-03 20:25:03 UTC
ACT is not what they are all about, they are all about COLOR and that is all.
2019-08-03 15:29:55 UTC
Your question is phrased incorrectly.

Like many, your viewpoint is showing. Lumping "all" democrats into a square hole means you don't understand politics. Like I can copy, verbatim, another question right next to yours' that asks why do Trump supporters cause so much violence at rallies and hurt senior citizens.

They don't - as a rule - but take out the sr. citizens bit and you'd have a statement that can at times fit. Does anyone think senior citizens are targeted at Trump rallies? No. They probably make up a good portion of the 'troops' there.

Folks need to get it into their heads that when any subgroup is part of the makeup of a coalition you get the good with the bad. Or people you dislike who vote for your guys.

Of course, if you watch political channels this happens alot. "The dems" so this, the GOP does that. Like millions of people are a in lockstep. Come on. Grow up.

"All" dems don't "act like Obama was Jesus". Put down the kool-aide.
2019-08-03 14:54:37 UTC
Apparently you didn't watch the last debate.
2019-08-03 13:35:08 UTC
Gave billions to big bankers and big auto after Americans walked away from them.

"Not so fast," Obama says. "The American people walking away from big bankers is not allowed. You might be done with the banks, but the banks are not done with you."
Const. King
2019-08-03 01:09:46 UTC
He knocked 20 strokes off his golf handicap because of all the golf he played & he more than made himself financially set for life because of all the corruption in his administration.
2019-08-02 22:38:26 UTC
Conservatives act like Trump is an honest man, but he's not.
2019-08-02 22:13:14 UTC
No idiot but republicans do it to trump
Little Ms Sunshine
2019-08-02 21:29:23 UTC
Nobody says that.

But lots & lots of people believe the current president is actually the anti-Christ.
2019-08-02 20:40:27 UTC
He was the first black president (even though he was actually mixed).
2019-08-02 20:16:22 UTC
He couldn't do anything, they shot every bill down before it got to the floor. Would that have anything with him being the first black president, maybe, possibility. His hands were tied the republicans shot everything down, so how you going to do your job
The Whoflew Bird
2019-08-02 17:15:55 UTC
And republicans don't do that with Trump? By some standards, I'm beginning to wonder if there is anything POTUS can do that would rise to the level of drawing certain republican's criticism.
2019-08-02 17:15:07 UTC
Low iq question tbh
2019-08-02 17:14:16 UTC
No we don't. He was a centrist who often caved to the Right. Not a good example of a progressive president.
2019-08-02 17:09:20 UTC
Negative, but Republicans act like Obama was the devil. And Obama brought us out of the Great Recession started by the Republicans economic policy... the same one trump is using.
2019-08-02 17:09:00 UTC
he funded hate/terrorist groups, locked kids in cages, cowered down to other countries, made promises he never kept just so he could be elected, and ruined the school systems.
2019-08-07 14:58:06 UTC
He wasnt perfect but far more better than trump.
2019-08-03 21:11:53 UTC
You conveniently forget that he BAILED OUT CHRYSLER AND GM when they were considering in closing a bunch of plants putting many workers out of work. He gave them an Interest free loan [and the companies paid it back within 2 years] He helped out the big Banks and they repaid the loans. He looked out for the WHITE guys more than the colored people, as those were the only bills that would get through. The GOP had a majority in both the senate and the house, so any proposals a Dem. president was going to make better be damn good or they would block it or water it down. Obamacare added another 30million US residents into the health care system with coverage. He was keeping with trade agreements with other countries, thus showing that the US was a stable country to do business with. So trade deals were made.

. He did not start wars...he was still cleaning up from the Bush administration...and their unending wars. Obama was bringing the troops home from conflicts in countries they should not be involved with.

...That is just off the top of my head. He did more. Google and find out.
2019-08-03 18:36:06 UTC
The Dems do not act like Obama was Jesus. But, he is a far better human being than the current occupant in the White House. He treated people (including his opponents) with kindness and respect. He spoke eloquently about his opponents. He didn't call out his enemies or call them names. He acted like a responsible adult. Jesus would approve.
2019-08-03 17:43:21 UTC
His own autobiography says that he tried crack. Surely we could have found someone to elect that hasn't tried crack?

He had very little respect for our men-in-uniform, and saw American military as if he were a foreigner. Not too surprising considering that from age 12 on up, he grew up in Indonesia. He did not have America's best interest at heart.
2019-08-03 14:59:15 UTC
They do act like he was Jesus, & they worship at his feet. Which makes no sense whatsoever. IMO, he wasn't a good President - at all.
2019-08-03 14:06:40 UTC
2019-08-03 10:10:13 UTC
I know right! Many Democrats are completely lost! They seem to be getting more left-wing every year!
2019-08-03 09:54:52 UTC
No Obama was dignified, presidential, loved his wife and treated her with tremendous respect. But he had some policies I really didn't like. But certainly he's Jesus compared to Trump as many people would be.
2019-08-03 06:56:01 UTC
President Obama was diplomatic, gracious, consideratae and much more intelligent than your current one. Oh, I forgot to mention, he is my 4th cousin so a really top guy. Obama not Trump.
2019-08-03 05:27:48 UTC
Obama was pretty lousy president, honestly. Bill Clinton was much better and more reasonable.
Coop 366
2019-08-03 05:14:05 UTC
We Liberals know Obama is not Jesus while you praise the Donald as your savior!
2019-08-03 03:55:27 UTC
I never thought that. I mean, I liked his equality for same-sex couples and the economic stimulus, but that doesn't mean I thought his presidency was perfect.

For the record, I think the best president from my party was Franklin D. Roosevelt, although Bill Clinton is my most favorite Democratic president (but I don't approve of his personal life by ANY stretch of imagination). Believe it or not, both who I'd say the best president we ever had as well as my favorite president are both Republicans-Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, respectively. Even my second-most favorite president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, is also a Republican (Clinton is my third-most favorite president).
2019-08-03 03:13:32 UTC
He saved the country from Bush recession that was starting to look like it could become the next Great Depression, and gave us the booming economy for which Trump now falsely claims credit.
2019-08-02 23:18:05 UTC
2019-08-02 17:44:25 UTC
He was doing a lot for the preservation of nature. Not a single republican president cared even a bit about ecology. Of course anyone who acts normally and get concerned about the environment looks like Jesus compared to them.

But to my point of view Obama wasn't like Jesus. The republicans are just trash.
2019-08-02 17:20:15 UTC
Killed Osama Bin Laden and curtailed Israel.
2019-08-02 17:17:52 UTC
Absolutely nothing he’s a piece of **** of a human being
2019-08-02 17:08:51 UTC
He was the Messiah , He lowered the seas
W.T. Door
2019-08-02 17:08:34 UTC
He promised to destroy the USA as a constitutional republic and worked at doing so for all eight years he was in office.
2019-08-02 17:06:43 UTC
He was black...
2019-08-04 08:15:54 UTC
he is .
2019-08-04 07:25:49 UTC
What did Jesus do he died for us for our sins, 3 or four times read Matthew 4:9-11-12, and you will sleep like a baby!
2019-08-03 22:53:36 UTC
Yes, they do!!!!!!!!!!!
2019-08-03 18:01:02 UTC
A tad blasphemous, but understandable. The former President is after all... erudite, classy and educated.

It's a bit like accusing Catholics of over rating the Pope.
2019-08-03 15:34:07 UTC
Stop hero worshipping politicians!!! From all sides.
Armchair Goddess #1
2019-08-03 15:00:09 UTC
You ask what our twice-elected (legitimate) miracles-working President Obama was able to achieve, Byron. To fully comprehend the full magnitude of Barack Obama's achievements, you should reacquaint yourself with the nearly fatal destruction and devastation our nation was facing due to the fiscally insane, corporate-colluding, Koch-corrupted (Mayer, 2017) 2001-2008 Republican authoritarianism. A humorous parody for what the brand new President Elect Obama was facing can be found at the JIBJAB website: "He's Barack Obama!" that depicted him as a skinny, big-eared SUPER HERO taking on all of the GOP-created problems the U.S. was facing as of Day One for the Obama presidency. This parody, which was meant to be an exaggeration, turned out to be a vast understatement, however---some of the Bush/Cheney and GOP problems (like keeping war costs OFF THE BOOKS, to the tune of $5.2 TRILLION) were not uncovered on Inauguration day. And speaking of Inauguration day, January 20, 2009: Read Robert Draper's 2012 book: "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives" to learn about the TREASON committed by senior Republican lawmakers (named in the Draper book) during WAR TIME---Republican Senators and Congressmen who met in secret on Capital Hill in a meeting funded by Koch Donor Network, hosted by hate-monger Frank Luntz and Newt Gingrich, as Barack Obama was being sworn in as President to PLOT AGAINST our nation's first man-of-color hugely popular new President! Every GOP attendee took an anti-American oath to BLOCK EVERYTHING OBAMA, no matter how much merit...every nomination, every legislation proposed!!!

In spite of this, our nation-saving, auto-industry-rescuing, manufacturing-base rebuilding (see, jobs-creating (ongoing since Trump has had no budget in place until this past week)---79 consecutive months of private-sector jobs growth January 2017, and on into the first two years of Trump in our White House. The Obama team so secured our southern borders that by 2012 the influx of immigrants was at NET ZERO, something even candidate Jeb Bush applauded during the primaries of 2016. Barack Obama weaned the U.S. off of dependence on foreign oil, in part with his "Green Energies" initiative (, but also by doing environmental impact studies for the states that wanted to open up off-shore drilling...and then approving the sites that would not harm our environment. The GOP-caused housing and credit markets' collapse from 2005-2009 that cost millions of Americans their homes while simultaneously blighting urban neighborhoods across the country (lowering home values for other homeowners) was dealt with by the Obama team and programs were established (paid for by the bad-boy banksters and others involved in the MELTDOWN scandal due to GOP's deregulation/corporate collusion). When Barack Obama took office in 2009, the Republican-caused deficit (after Bill Clinton and his Democrat-controlled first Congress left office with a balanced U.S. budget plus a huge $362 billion SURPLUS as of January 20, 2001) was 10.6% of our GDP. By the end of his hugely productive RECESSION-REVERSING first term, President Obama had gotten that GOP-caused deficit down to 5.2% of the GDP, and still going down!

When asked by ABC news anchor Robin Roberts which of the world's religions his college-educated Ph.D. mom Stanley Ann Dunham had required him and his half-sister Maya to study (to teach tolerance and understanding) he had chosen, the erudite and brilliant President Obama replied, "I chose Christianity because I wanted someone to emulate"! This means that Barack Obama strives to be CHRIST-like in all that he does. As proof of this goodness, not even once did President Obama respond in kind to those Republicans who vowed to meanly block every legislation and every nomination.
2019-08-03 14:50:10 UTC
because democrats are stupid and don't realize Obama was a murdering Perverted Perversion respecting Treasonous, Terrorism funding Asshole
2019-08-03 11:04:47 UTC
They did up until that last democratic debate. Now they're screaming about how far right he was. The left is eating itself alive. Let's watch......
2019-08-03 08:57:33 UTC
President Obama did what his haters said his color could not do.

As the 44th POTUS. Most of which the 45th POTUS has not.

Obama never needed a foreign power to influence USA politics.

Moscow Mitch McConnell did in 2016 and does anew today.

Eskimo's have more than 30 words to describe all the whites

they know. We need to borrow some for Trump voters who

cannot act white enough.
2019-08-03 07:42:46 UTC
You’re projecting how you feel about your cult leader, Drumpf. Obama set the economy back on its tracks.
2019-08-03 04:42:35 UTC
Then they throw him under the bus. Guess they found out

about him being a Muslim. Obama was one of the most

visible failures of any President to ever sit in office.
Blue Gum N.
2019-08-03 03:56:57 UTC
He was first half black president.
2019-08-03 02:20:14 UTC
He is lordy praise him
2019-08-03 00:49:09 UTC
Why not? trump is like Satan.
2019-08-02 19:27:25 UTC
President has NOTHING to do with Jesus.President Obama is a friend to radical Islam,anti-Christian sentiment socialism and the illegal immigrant invasion of America!!
2019-08-02 17:19:59 UTC
Well, they would, it's understandable. They hate God, Israel, and they get angry when people tell them murdering their babies is wrong. So why wouldn't they worship a man who is not God?

The Democrats have been trying to get rid of God. Why would it be surprising if God decided to get rid of them?

Reinstating Jerusalem, "God" language met with boos at DNC 2012
Chewy Ivan 2
2019-08-02 17:17:56 UTC
He oversaw nearly 8 years of continuous economic growth, made healthcare reform a reallity, and finally put Osama bin Laden in his grave.
2019-08-02 17:14:07 UTC
He had dark skin.
2019-08-02 17:13:51 UTC
Killed the number one terrorist bin Ladin, reversed an economy that was crashing, saved General Motors, got the USA out of Afghansan, took away some of the power the insurance companies have over health care. That is more that a good accomplishment
scott b
2019-08-02 17:08:10 UTC
You mean, besides saving the economy and giving 12 Million people healthcare?? Or do you mean besides the Treaty with Iran that stopped then building nuclear weapons?
2019-08-07 15:39:48 UTC
No, they think he is Muhammed..

remember , he wasn't Christian.
2019-08-04 23:36:04 UTC
That was their savior but ppl dont understand zionism and pyramid and globslism builderburg illuminoty etc
2019-08-04 03:19:58 UTC
At least they arent racist bitchass republicians
2019-08-03 13:59:12 UTC
1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years

2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans

3 – Ended the war in Iraq

4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden

5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession

6 – Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality

7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”

8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry

9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020

10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan

11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits

And etc. He was better than most presidents

Stop complaining
2019-08-03 11:46:43 UTC
Hype is contagious when you have the mass media behind you . They treated obummer like he was the second comming of Christ even before he set one foot in the White House. How pathetic is that 😕
2019-08-03 08:57:50 UTC
He's the Secular Jesus Christ to many and to others that he snubs they hope he's the first coming of the Messiah.
2019-08-02 17:14:49 UTC
Guess they just ignored all that stuff obama did like putting illegals in detention centers and separating families, weird how they have selective outrage

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.