2011-05-08 14:17:10 UTC
These articles claim that thousands of scientists surveyed from around the world overwhelmingly agree that global warming is caused by man. A closer look at the study itself however, shows that out of 10,257 scientists who were surveyed the responses from just 77 scientists were used. 75 of those 77 agreed that man's activities were a "significant contributing factor" in causing global warming, resulting in the 97% figure. The authors of that study claim that they winnowed down the responses to those scientists who were "most relevant."
The articles typically don't mention that, but mention instead that thousands of scientists were surveyed and the results show that they overwhelmingly agree. That's profoundly dishonest.
Regardless of your position on global warming, wouldn't you agree that this shameless manipulation of data and distortion of statistics tends to discredit the entire field when it's exposed?