Was 9/11/ planned?
2006-09-08 11:26:49 UTC
A newspaper article in the Daily Mail (yes reason to be suspicious) says that 75 professors across America who have formed a group "Scholars for Truth" which says that 9/11 was planned a right wing hawkish organisation with the backing of government in order to justify foreign policy in the middle east and say that airplane fuel could not have enable the steel structure to bend alone...Was 9/11 planned?
29 answers:
2006-09-08 17:02:47 UTC
The newspaper article is correct.

9/11 Scholars for truth does exist, and holds that there are serious errors and omissions in the official 9/11 Commission Report, so they are requesting a new, thorough independent investigation.

The official government conspiracy theory is unbelievable.

The biggest conspiracy theory

The biggest conspiracy theory is that 19 Arabs, who had been under surveillance, conspired together, could walk onto four commercial aircraft without being detected, and without having their names appear on a passenger list. Then that they could overcome over 200 people with plastic box-cutters. And not only that, but with no previous experience of flying large jets, they could navigate from 30,000 feet and hit three out of four targets precisely, meantime conducting flying manoeuvres that fighter pilots would find difficult. Then, the amazing thing is that 7 of them survived the events and are known to be alive today.

Also for the first time ever in history, three, not two, but three steel framed buildings collapsed as a result of fire which could not possibly have burned hot enough to melt steel, and caused the buildings not to topple over, as one might expect, or to fall a little at a time, but to fall within their own footprint at the speed of gravity. And one of those buildings (WTC7) was not even hit by a plane.

Not only that, but the four aircraft disappeared completely without a trace of their 16 large engines, or any of the black boxes. This has also never before happened in history.

This theory is so amazingly full of holes that it is impossible for any sane thinking person to believe, yet that is what the official 9/11 commission report.says.

More logical explanations are available
2006-09-08 11:40:50 UTC
It was planned,without a shadow of a doubt,and they still have the nerve to say it was terrorists.It is a war on power and oil,and stability.Americas economy is in freefall,and they need stability to stay up there as one of the "super powers".Hence the gold bullion going missing from under the Trade Centre.Gold prices will rise when oil is nearly running out,and it is a physical asset that will keep its trade value when everything else is gone.Watch the video i sent,its on for an hour and 20mins.But it will open your eyes to some of the evidence they have,and sceptics will still argue the toss even when professionals argue differant.

P.S if you get a map of Iraq before the war broke out but the one with the oil fields/refinerys and where they are,and then get a recent one of where the American troops and bases are,you will find that you can overlap the two and they are almost identical positions,now is that co-incidence?

Also why was there no air defence?Why were they all on dummy missions in the south of America?
2006-09-08 11:35:30 UTC
There are a few crazy Profs in the US who have latched onto this conspiracy theory...but the fact remains that there is no proof to these allegations and none of them can offer any up that hasn't already been refuted until the cows come home. Great leaps of faith and blatant disregard to physics have lead astray these people. The Daily Mail is an American-Hating entity by and large. They put this stuff out there in hopes of trying to sway common sense and overwhelming public opinion away from the fact that the US was attacked. 75 professors....There are also 7500 people in the US who are convinced they are regularly abducted by space aliens. Don't worry...the vast majority of the USA has not lost their minds. It's a pretty big place.
2016-09-30 15:40:20 UTC
at first of the action picture Farenheit 9/11 includes many lies, which incorporate Bin weighted down's relatives being set loose of the rustic so quicly after the assaults. 2nd of all why did Saddam Hussein refuse to permit U.N weapon inspectors into Iraq for months. the way the tower collasped became consistent with a plane hitting into it, the stress on the beams and the tube in a tube deighn (unique to the international commerce centres). A declare that the hearth became small got here from taking some words out of a sentence which made it look the hearth became small. WTC 7 collasped because of the fact it had a construction fall on precise of it. The pentagon became hit by a plane which penetrated deep into the construction, the backyard became coated with gravel so as that the equipment ought to get to the broken area to restoration it, devoid of adverse the delicate floor, there have been a number of witnesses to this, and the rationalization there are no wings marks entering into is via the actuality the inital impact brought about the wings to collaspe inwards in the previous they hit. and the so referred to as checklist telling of the assaults contained right here info. "terrorists are making plans an attack" and much less component than that
2006-09-08 11:39:12 UTC
Just because some calls himself a scholar or has a PHd doesn't preclude him from being an idiot.

Just to dispense with their theory.

1. If one spilled 10,000 gallons of Jet-A on a steel and concrete structure, it would do no harm

2. If one spilled 10,000 gallons of Jet-A on a steel and concrete structure and lit it, it would weaken the structure, but probably not fatally.

3. If one ignited 10,000 gallons of Jet-A that had been stored in the belly of a wide-body aircraft weighing between 300,000-400,000 lbs that had just slammed into the middle of a steel and concrete structure at over 500 mph, it just might weaken the already damaged structure enough so that the weight of steel and concrete above the point of impact could cause the building to collapse. (This last point does not take a degree in engineering to understand).

As to whether the attacks were planned....yes they were, in great and exhausting those who admit to doing it (and THEY HAVE RELEASE THE TAPES TO PROVE IT) Osama bin Laden and his colleagues.

Any discussion to the contrary is simple idiocy.
2006-09-08 11:45:23 UTC
I suppose noone that worked in the twin towers happened to notice the hundreds of workers planting the thousands of pounds of explosives in their offices? Don't be rediculous.

Did you not see the tape recently released showing some of the hijackers talking to bin laden before the attack?

Another thing. You liberals always say that the right wing people are all about money, etc. Why would they destroy the twin towers, offices to major industries?

These conspiracy theories are nothing more than people gettign together and saying, 'what if'. What if clinton talked to aliens from a different galaxy into diverting the planes into the towers while simultaniously shooting their deathray onto the towers. I have as much proof of this as they do of their theory.
2006-09-08 11:34:46 UTC
1)Yes 9/11 was planned by Osama bin Laden

2)Don't you think that if the government was culpable of such an elaborate scheme as the attacks of 9/11, they would also be capable of silencing all the dissenters who are coming up with the theories?

3)Even Noam Chomsky, one of the extreme lefts greatest Icon says it's a bunch of crap.

He is also a professor.

Since receiving his Ph. D., Chomsky has taught at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he now holds the Ferrari P. Ward Chair of Modern Language and Linguistics.

To see video of Chomsky interview
2006-09-09 03:12:32 UTC
Search for the documentary called

CIA: Secret Wars.

Quite informative and from trustable font. A lot of interviews with CIA ex-directors.

Another interesting thing is just search within internet something about plot in Pentagon (All proves show no plane - last movie released images are funny once show no plain ... despite international informational groups says contraire)
2006-09-08 11:46:32 UTC
Dee Jay has been watching too many movies - remember, remember the 5th of november. Got to admit it does rhyme.

Anyway.. Of course it was planned!

Is it possible that 19 muslim terrorists boarded US planes, specifically fully loaded with fuel, for cross country trips to places they had absolutely no connections to or with, and just happened to be holding tickets for these flights? Really! Do you really believe that?!?! It was all just a fluke or chance?

Don't embarrass yourself. It was planned many years ago.

As to the "scholars" you mention, check into their voting habits and vocal stand on gov't in general. You might learn a thing or two!!

Than come back with another Q! A good Q.
2006-09-08 11:41:40 UTC
Read the 911 commission report. As to a plan? That is crazy talk! The only ones planning was Osama and his followers! Our government suffered billions of dollars in damages and lost hundreds of their own. Do you think anyone in their right mind would allow such a thing to happen? If we want to take over the middle east for oil we don't have to blow up two of our major money towers and part of our pentagon to do it! We just say there are weopons of mass destruction that are being hidden and we go in to find them, remember that? We didn't have to blow up anything to do that.

Anyway...Good luck and take care

P.S. God Bless America, the best country in the world!
fairly smart
2006-09-08 11:33:35 UTC
Any fire that is hot enough can bend & melt steel. Both planes were FULL of jet fuel, a very hot burning fuel. They were hoping that the buildings would fall over instead of down, & take out more of the city. Yes, it was planned by the cowards who did it & their religious leaders, who are also cowards to pick on innocent civilians, because they can't beat our military.
2006-09-08 11:47:39 UTC
apparently there were crews working on something in the buildings after hours just prior to the attack. a demolition team perhaps? id like to think it was not the direct government, if it were i think it would have leaked by now. someone would feel too guilty about it. im sure bush had no idea about it. maybe it was some secret government agency though, like area 51 or something of that nature. crazy stuff to think about, huh? we look back through history and wonder how certain governments do the things they do. i hope this is not one of those instances.
2006-09-08 11:33:43 UTC
of course not , it would have been proven after 5 years if it was planned . airplane fuel did burn and melt some load bearing beams due to the plane ripping off the fireproofing on the metal , watch the documentary - the twin towers the anatomy of their collapse if you want to know the truth in great detail , don't be tricked by thee nutjobs , do research and you will find the truth
2006-09-08 11:33:43 UTC
There is a video documenting the conspiracy theories.. I couldnt find it properly but found someone on myspace with it:

you have to scroll down.. it's near the bottom... (check out the link below) but it's interesting.

it's long, a lot of it is bull, but it works well with that Daily Mail article the other day.

Who knows huh?
John Trent
2006-09-08 11:43:16 UTC
The Emergency Services were clearly the target of 9/11...

Bankers & Lawyer's, Cleaners, etc, were not enough - The planners needed Hero's to tug at American Heartstring's.

Companies such as Halliburton did quite well out of it, so did the Arms Dealers, Warmongers, etc..

The Muslim's (AL-Qaeda) have not had such a good deal for their alleged efforts!
The Nana of Nana's
2006-09-08 11:33:30 UTC
If you can find the video, watch 911 Eyewitness: Hoboken. You will not believe the things that you will see in that video that you wouldn't have noticed on the day it happened because we were too emotionally entangled to notice little details like dust rising from the ground around the trade centers before they started to collapse from the top. That's just one thing out of a whole bunch that will make you question what our government is really up to and who controls the puppet strings for sure!
briang731/ bvincent
2006-09-08 11:32:43 UTC
Yes it was! By a bunch of godamned towel heads. Your so called left wing scholars should bo back to the middle east and raise camels, or poppies or some damned thing, anything to keep them away from our kids.
2006-09-08 11:31:23 UTC
It's the Democrats that are covering up what happened on 9/11.

The Democrats can not let the truth come out.

Those professors are all old Hate-America hippies from the sixties. Poor little rich kids.
Rock'n'Roll Blue
2006-09-08 13:47:28 UTC
Look for and watch/listen to the documentary from 2004 by Mike Ruppert ... It answers a whole load of stuff
2006-09-08 11:39:13 UTC
9/11 was planned by the terrorists not by the government b/c the government would never aim a plane at the pentagon, that is attacking themselves, and they are not that psychologically deranged.
2006-09-08 11:32:28 UTC
YES Al-Qa'ida, Osama bin laden and the Islamo Fascist

PIGS planned it and the so-called Daily Mail with it's story

about the communist professors SUCKS!!!!!!
2006-09-08 15:46:37 UTC
To your headline question, yes, and very well. Academics are all left wingers, so they have formed a conspiracy, based on lies, to undermine the Republican Party. Arrest them for treason.
2006-09-08 11:42:54 UTC
Yes. According to the 'Bush media' U.S security was breached by hijackers armed with ... pen/flick knives. And the planning done by al-qaida in underground caves when they weren't galloping on donkeys in mountainous afghanistan.

Please anyone sensible will realize it took more than a handful of arabs in caves to breach the security and intelligence of america.
2006-09-08 11:31:52 UTC
Are you scared to say planned by our own government? If you are then they are doing a good job. You should not fear your government, your government should fear its citizens. We have more power then they could ever will but only if we choose to exercise our rights.
2006-09-08 11:31:12 UTC
well, you dont say, 19 people with bombs and guns just bordered specific planes, and then decided to kill a lot of people, by piloting them into the twin towers and the pentagon! duh!
2006-09-08 11:34:31 UTC
yes,war makes alot of money
2006-09-08 11:32:33 UTC

It's like Lenin said, you look for who benifits and ...

Why only 5 frames?
2006-09-08 11:31:40 UTC
Conspiracy theories are so cool
2006-09-08 11:30:28 UTC
the us goverment planned it

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