The newspaper article is correct.
9/11 Scholars for truth does exist, and holds that there are serious errors and omissions in the official 9/11 Commission Report, so they are requesting a new, thorough independent investigation.
The official government conspiracy theory is unbelievable.
The biggest conspiracy theory
The biggest conspiracy theory is that 19 Arabs, who had been under surveillance, conspired together, could walk onto four commercial aircraft without being detected, and without having their names appear on a passenger list. Then that they could overcome over 200 people with plastic box-cutters. And not only that, but with no previous experience of flying large jets, they could navigate from 30,000 feet and hit three out of four targets precisely, meantime conducting flying manoeuvres that fighter pilots would find difficult. Then, the amazing thing is that 7 of them survived the events and are known to be alive today.
Also for the first time ever in history, three, not two, but three steel framed buildings collapsed as a result of fire which could not possibly have burned hot enough to melt steel, and caused the buildings not to topple over, as one might expect, or to fall a little at a time, but to fall within their own footprint at the speed of gravity. And one of those buildings (WTC7) was not even hit by a plane.
Not only that, but the four aircraft disappeared completely without a trace of their 16 large engines, or any of the black boxes. This has also never before happened in history.
This theory is so amazingly full of holes that it is impossible for any sane thinking person to believe, yet that is what the official 9/11 commission report.says.
More logical explanations are available