What Happened to America?
2006-09-03 12:30:01 UTC
In the last fifty years, we have grown accustomed to governments whose policies on specific issues may be good or bad, but which essentially institute incremental changes to the status quo. The major exceptions have been Thatcher and Reagan, but even their programs of dismantling systems of social welfare seem, in retrospect, mild compared to what is happening in the United States under George Bush – or more exactly, the ruling junta that tells Bush what to do and say.

It is unquestionably the most radical government in modern American history, one whose ideology and actions have become so pervasive, and are so unquestionably mirrored by the mass media here, that the population seems to have forgotten what “normal” is.

George Bush is the first unelected President of the United States, installed by a right-wing Supreme Court in a kind of judicial coup d’etat. He is the first to actively subvert one of the pillars of American democracy: the separation of church and state. There are now daily prayer meetings and Bible study groups in every branch of the government, and religious organizations are being given funds to take over educational and welfare programs that have always been the domain of the state.

It is the first administration to openly declare a policy of unilateral aggression, a “Pax Americana” where the presence of allies (whether England or Bulgaria) is agreeable but unimportant; where international treaties no longer apply to the United States; and where – for the first time in history – this country reserves the right to non-defensive, “pre-emptive” strikes against any nation on earth, for whatever reason it declares.

It is the first – since the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II – to enact special laws for a specific ethnic group. Non-citizen young Muslim men are now required to register and subject themselves to interrogation. Many hundreds have been arrested and held without trial or access to legal assistance-- a violation of another pillar of American democracy: habeas corpus. In Guantanamo Bay, where it is said that they are now preparing execution chambers, hundreds of foreign nationals – including a 13-year-old and a man who claims to be 100 – have been kept for almost two years in a limbo that clearly contravenes the Geneva Convention.

Similar to the Reagan era, it is an administration openly devoted to helping the rich and ignoring the poor, one that has turned the budget surplus into a massive deficit through its combination of enormous tax cuts for the wealthy (particularly those who earn more than a million dollars a year) and increases in defense spending. (And, although Republicans always campaign on “less government,” it has created the largest new government bureaucracy in history: the Department of Homeland Security.) The Financial Times of England, hardly a hotbed of leftists, has categorized this economic policy as “the lunatics taking over the asylum.”

But more than Reagan – whose policies tended to benefit the rich in general – most of Bush’s legislation specifically enriches those in his lifelong inner circle from the oil, mining, logging, construction, and pharmaceutical industries. At the middle level of the bureaucracy, where laws may be issued without Congressional approval, hundreds of regulations have been changed to lower standards of pollution or safety in the workplace.

Billions in government contracts have been awarded, without competition, to corporations formerly run by administration officials. In a country where the most significant social changes are enacted by court rulings, rather than by legislation, the Bush administration has been filling every level of the complex judicial system with ultra-right ideologues, especially those who have protected corporations from lawsuits by individuals or environmental groups, and those who are opposed to women's reproductive rights.

Most of all, America doesn’t feel like America any more. The climate of militarism and fear, similar to any totalitarian state, permeates everything. Bush is the first American president in memory to swagger around in a military uniform, though he himself – like all of his most militant advisers – evaded the Vietnam War. (Even Eisenhower, a general and a war hero, never wore his uniform while he was president).

In the airports of provincial cities, there are frequent announcements in that assuring, disembodied voice of science-fiction films: “The Department of Homeland Security advises that the Terror Alert is now . . . Code Orange.” Every few weeks there is an announcement that another terrorist attack is imminent, and citizens are urged to take ludicrous measures, like sealing their windows, against biological and chemical attacks, and to report the suspicious activities of their neighbors.

The Pentagon institutes the “Total Information Awareness” program to collect data on the ordinary activities of ordinary citizens (credit card charges, library book withdrawals, university course enrollments) and when this is perceived as going too far, they change the name to “Terrorist Information Awareness” and continue to do the same things. Millions are listed in airport security computers as potential terrorists, including antiwar demonstrators and pacifists. Critics are warned to “watch what they say” and lists of “traitors” are posted on the internet.

The war in Iraq has been the most extreme manifestation of this new America, and almost a casebook study in totalitarian techniques.

First, an Enemy is created by blatant lies that are endlessly repeated until the population believes it: in this case, that Iraq was linked to the attack on the World Trade Center, and that it possesses vast “weapons of mass destruction” that threaten the world.

Then, a War of Liberation, entirely portrayed by the mass media in terms of our Heroic Troops, with little or no imagery of casualties and devastation, and with morale-inspiring, scripted “news” scenes – such as the toppling of the Saddam statue and the heroic “rescue” of Private Lynch.

Finally, as has happened with Afghanistan, America has received very little news of the chaos that has followed the Great Victory.

It is very difficult to speak of what is happening in America without resorting to the hyperbolic cliches of anti-Americanism that have lost their meaning after so many decades, but that have now finally come true.

Perhaps one can only recite the facts, and I have mentioned only some of them here. This is, quite simply, the most frightening American administration in modern times, one that is appalling both to the left and to traditional conservatives. This junta is unabashed in its imperialist ambitions; it is enacting an Orwellian state of Perpetual War; it is dismantling, or attempting to dismantle, some of the most fundamental tenets of American democracy; it is acting without opposition within the government, and is operating so quickly on so many fronts that it has overwhelmed and exhausted any popular opposition.

Perhaps it cannot be stopped, but the first step toward slowing it down is the recognition that this is an American government unlike any other in this country’s history, and one for whom democracy is an obstacle.
Twenty answers:
2006-09-03 12:42:17 UTC
To start off, I'd like to point out that the fact that Thatcher's mentioned at the beggining side by side with Reagan doesn't imply in any way whatsoever that the author believes Thatcher was a president of the US. Give us a break, now will you? Only a blockheaded right-wing born again Christian and so forth would be able to misunderstand something so simple. Now, I know that Bush's intellect, as the world knows except for some maniacs who vote for him in the States, would perfectly well make him a candidate for such silly misunderstandings - to prove it, he understands nothing of the entire rest of the world - that makes him arrogant as well... Does he understand anything of America? I don't have to read your "diatribe", as someone decided to put it, to know you're right.
2006-09-03 20:14:16 UTC
Keep up the fight. Doubt if it is going to do much good. We depend upon the vote, but even that is corrupt. There are those who say that Bush's 2000 election Victory was unquestionable, yet over 10,000 eligible voters in Florida, mostly African-Americans, were prevented from voting for one reason or another. The chad issue was a ruse, a smoke screen. Today, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Arizona, et al, have enacted restrictive voter laws which have hearkened back to the "Jim Crow" laws, and the Bush Justice department has signed off on them. This was reported at length on PBS this past week. When the vote is corrupt, what is left to do?

I would not be so respectful of Regan, much of this began under his administration.
2006-09-03 20:13:07 UTC
Wow! I agree with virtually everything you have said, though there are a couple other important points you missed or hinted at but didn't catch the connection...First ; Bush was "placed" into office for a couple reasons (1) The same info was given to Clinton, but he didn't fall for the B.S. and Gore could not be manipulated either, but Bush didn't "know better", (2) Bush had agendas in line with what other rich government officials wanted & he could be easilly manipulated...

The rich get richer by living off the poor and creating the "choice of servitude" by illiminating choice...Big business creates a higher profit margin by paying less in wages & not offering healthcare benefits by hiring "part-time" instead of full time employees...By outsourcing middle class jobs, businesses can pay less than our minimum wage to those in other countries and create even more poor to who will work for less, just to have some income of some kind...Big business also controls the media...

Aid's / HIV is a Global Health Crisis...FAS/D is far worse, it's covered up & downplayed and the consumption / abuse of alcohol & sex without thinking of precations are inseperable issues...Our government does just enough to seem like they are trying to do something, but downplays the importance...

Is our world going to end? YES! Most likely well within 100 years. It's a race to see which will kill us first, Global Warming or Aids.

Americans have been beaten down to the point of feeling helpless, though the upcoming elections are looking interesting as incumbants are sent packing...The american public at large suffers from what actions the government takes, here or in other countries...

There is only one true renwable resource...Poor who can't or Won't take back the control of our own lives and can be made into modern day slaves of those who couldn't care less if we live or die...
Michael K
2006-09-03 20:04:36 UTC
Gracious, you are a wealth of misinformation.

- we Americans have not forgotten what 'normal' is,

- Bush is not an 'unelected' President,

- there are not daily prayer meetings in every branch of the government (or in any branch of the government),

- this is not the first time in history that a government has exercised a pre-emptive strike, there have been lots of them,

- there have been no laws enacted against specific ethnic groups,

- there are no 'execution chambers' in Guantanamo, nor are there any Americans held there,

- hundreds of regulations have not been changed to lower work place standards,

- Bush is not the first President to wear a military uniform while in office,

- The FT did not print what you claim they did,

- security databases do not list millions protestors and demonstrators as 'potential terrrorists',

- no one has urged citizens to seal their windows,

- the administration is not without critics from within the government,

and, if you spent more time reading and less writing you might get just a few of the facts right. You are the poster boy for "articulate but uninformed".
2006-09-03 19:51:41 UTC
Whatever has happend with this government the beauty is it can still change. America still offers more opportunity and social mobility than any other country, including the countries of Europe.

In the American view, there is nothing vile or degraded about serving your customers either as a CEO or as a waiter. The ordinary life of production and supporting a family is more highly valued in the United States than in any other country. America is the only country in the world where we call the waiter "sir," as if he were a knight.

People live longer, fuller lives in America.

In America the destiny of the young is not given to them, but created by them.

America has gone further than any other society in establishing equality of rights.

America has found a solution to the problem of religious and ethnic conflict that continues to divide and terrorize much of the world. Visitors to places like New York are amazed to see the way in which Serbs and Croatians, Sikhs and Hindus, Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, Jews and Palestinians, all seem to work and live together in harmony. How is this possible when these same groups are spearing each other and burning each other's homes in so many places in the world?

America is the only country in the world that extends full membership to outsiders. An American could spend 40 years in India but would not become Indian. In America, by contrast, hundreds of millions have come from far-flung shores and over time they, or at least their children, have in a profound and full sense "become American."

Twice in the 20th century, the United States saved the world -- first from the Nazi threat, then from Soviet totalitarianism. What would have been the world's fate if America had not existed? After destroying Germany and Japan in World War II, the United States proceeded to rebuild both countries, and today they are American allies. Now we are doing the same thing in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet America never stays to rule that country.

America is far from perfect, and there is lots of room for improvement. In spite of its flaws, however, American life as it is lived today is the best life that our world has to offer. Ultimately America is worthy of our love and sacrifice because, more than any other society, it makes possible the good life, and the life that is good.

Nothing Bush has done or the current government done, has or could change that. Thank God.
Magic One
2006-09-03 20:01:09 UTC
Unfortunately, although you have a lot of good material here, you are going to take a lot of heat from those who really don't like thinking. They live in denial of that fact that America has ever or could ever do anything wrong. They are the type who love freedom of speech and the press as long as no one says anything with which they disagree. They are easily cowered by fear and surrender their rights when threatened by the specter of a non white face. Let's face it, they claim to love America, they just can't stand Americans.

This operation of denial can be seen in how quickly the Murrow building in Oklahoma City has been forgotten. Good ol' Christian white boys did that so we are anxious to forget it. We didn't start stopping white ex-military red neck types at airports. Instead we concentrate our efforts on rounding up innocent people of color. We had the same problem in WWII. We hearded up the Japanese and left those of German decent run free. After all, the Germans "look too much like us." Dominant culture will out.

I'm afraid that for the most part the real problem comes down to a feeling of powerlessness. Citizens of this country don't understand the privilege and power they have through the ballot box. They don't understand what writing to their representatives can do. America is a country of participation. You can't just sit back and expect that everything will go right. You have to stand up and be counted. At the very least you need to get out that one day a year and vote. And I mean vote for everything, local, state and federal elections. Funny how the local officials have the most direct effect on our lives and historically have the smallest turn out.

And watch out for the media. They tell you the sky is falling even on a clear day. There job is to sell. The truth can fend for itself. Sensationalism and innuendo are what sell, not cold rational facts.
2006-09-03 19:48:51 UTC
Unfortunately it has been going on for some time by both Democrats and Republicans. It was Katrina that brought home the complete inefficiency and incompetency of this government. It made everyone look long and hard at what has taken place in this country. While we slept the country was invaded by Mexico, we were lied into war, our country was being sold out from beneath us, job sent to other countries, cost of living is sky high, and found our politicians to all be crooks. All we have left is the vote. Will be be wise enough to vote individual or stick to party? Will anyone come forth to save America?
2006-09-03 19:39:01 UTC
Yeah, and too many people actually believe Bush should be in power and is doing the right thing. That's what has allowed this to happen, the rich people with their hands out and the poor backwards conservatives all over the place who don't want to consider the possibility that their government would lie to them on such a grand scale. It's ironic that Bush is supported by so many Christians since he has so much blood on his hands.
2006-09-03 20:03:18 UTC
America has been hijacked by the results of the American Dream and uncontrolled capatalism: very rich meglomaniacs who don't care about anything ecept themselves and the furtherment of their own beliefs. It is clearly in their interests to control everyone and everything and that is what they are doing ie. get people scared, take away their rights in the pretence of protecting them and set everyone against each other to forestall anykind of backlash.

Roll on the One World Police State.
Your Best Fiend
2006-09-03 19:42:35 UTC
1) Bush is president. Get over it.

2) The McCarthy era was rather divisive in the hunt for communists and putting God in the Pledge and on money.

3) It is hard for people to have perspective on the times they live in. The century has only started; there is plenty of time to have a worse president than Bush.

4) The way you have couched this rant will not bring people to your side. I am generally on your side, but I tend to ignore kooks.
2006-09-03 19:48:44 UTC
Why waste your effort? People are already brainwashed and can not open their eyes. When the day comes that this world turns into one where the government runs every aspect of our lives they will be left wondering what happened.

Got information though. Kudos
2006-09-03 19:34:09 UTC
1. Ques way to long to read.

2. Thatcher was PM of Britain so if you are that wrong at the start, why would we bother reading the rest of your diatribe trolling?

3. Go back to school, only extreme left liberals, uneducated kids and morons believe what you are saying about Bush stealing elections. AYRTS, IRL?
Giggly Giraffe
2006-09-03 19:47:24 UTC
Hippies ... those dirty Hippies. They taught us to disrespect our elders and they strive to push for disrespectful dialogue against everyone since. Well, since the Hippies grew up, they now hold society captive with their beliefs, and ideals.

So what are their ideals ... "Baby Killers", "Drugs", and rebelling against authority? Yep, they always held signs saying "Baby Killers" during Nam ... but ironically, their generation invented and mass distributed new birth control forms (abortion, birth control pills, condoms) ... so who's the real baby killers?

Drugs ... well in the 1960's it was Pot & LSD. Well, they aged, and Pot & LSD are much too harsh for their worn out tired bodies. Now they just go to their doctors and DEMAND pain pills, and SEX Drugs. Sure, doctor prescribed, and all legal now (since they have the voting power & $$$) ... but non-the-less, destructive to themselves and society.

Rebelling against authority ... kind of weird seeing them rebel against themselves (since they're now the authority) ... but they do. Every media person is well trained to find the "Bad" stuff. So, 75% of the interviews we see from the media (TV, magazines, news papers, & internet) are a well educated "Devil's Advocate" with whom if you followed their stories, you'd see that they stand for nothing but chaos.

Even more disturbing ... they had babies --- for the sperm that made it through that arsenal of birth control ... OMG, the Hippies spoiled, cooed, and dolly-cuddled their kids to the point where the next generation, and the generation after that are mega goofed up. However, the pendulum is swinging back, and a few of the offspring are striving to live life without this chaos.

2006-09-03 20:23:04 UTC
Tell them to quit making laws we don't need and those who force it to sit down and shut up.

People die, they always will die and probably better off than we stupid ones are.

So quit suing people, making dumb laws and forcing us to live under your revenge tactics.
2006-09-07 09:38:02 UTC
Wow, V is for "retarded".

Nicholas - Admin
"I Want to Know Your Answer
2006-09-03 19:36:14 UTC
Well V... whats ur plan?Are u planning to blow something?
2006-09-03 19:46:33 UTC
this wasnt a question, it was rambling of a nutcase
2006-09-03 19:36:45 UTC
Why do liberals talk so much?
2006-09-03 19:35:25 UTC
iono but why?
2006-09-03 21:36:41 UTC
Just Another Brick In The Wall, Part III

[I wrote this just after the last midterm elections in Nov. 2002. The misspellings are intentional. I expect very few will read it, even if they agree with my viewpoint. But if I touch one person inside, it's well worth it. Ethernet is free and that's why God gave you a scroll-bar and the option to exit.]

Rome burns while the Chief Mouseketeer goes on a massive campaign junta, attracting followers and last minute stragglers like some demented and unholy version of the Pied Piper of Hamlin. Every time he waves his magik wand, an unquestioning legion of New Republikans follows him into the Abyss, a veritable wave of fresh and forever-renewable Soul Eating Zombies. Georgie is a Rasputin for our times. An Agent of Total Chaos. A Jonah, a Jinx, a Typhoid Mary, and a Calamity Jane all rolled into one.

Today is Wednesday, November 6, 2002, almost two years to the day from the inception of Coup 2000, and twenty-one months into George Bush’s so-called “administration.” We just held another so-called “election,” and the republikans regained majority control of the Senate while retaining their House majority. Let’s see... umm, they’ve done such a fine job since King George came into power that America wants to see an all-republikan administration.


In other words, most of us think we’re better off now than we were two years ago and we are rewarding this type of government by asking for much more of it. Yep, seems about right. If we’re that idiotic, I enthusiastically welcome Armageddon as one gigantik Mercy Killing. I, for one, could use the break.

As a Greenie, this election meant virtually nothing to me. It was like seeing your two most detested teams battle it out in the Super Bowl, saddened because it’s the only game in town, sickened because you know that one of the evil rat bastards will have to win. As far as the election goes, the most I could expect at the outcome was the placebo of some hollow semblance of a superficial and mostly imaginary form of Checks and Balances. True progression is long dead— or at least dormant and effectively suppressed, as in the sad case of our best hope, Ralph Nader. My expectations have been forcibly lowered in each of the last several years, exponentially, and all I was really hoping was for the least treacherous viper to win in these deplorable midterm elections. Even with the lowest of hopes, it was still asking too much.

Not to worry. I’ve become rather desensitized to extreme disappointment and loathing as of late. In this current political quagmire, always expect the absolute worst and you will rarely, if ever, be disappointed.

One thing is certain: in our collective lifetimes, few us have been around long enough to see all three stubs of our elected “representative” power rest solely in the hands of one party. This is not to mention the konservative republikans who make up the lion’s share of our so-called “supreme” court, the final arbitrator and our only true check and balance, which is now highly biased, rendering it totally ineffective, defunct, and null and void, just another Paper Tiger with foam-rubber Nerf teeth, a mere facade for what it was intended to be. House, senate, presidency, “supreme” court, all pointing one way, straight up to where all the money and power is. The rest of us are standing with our dongs and fuzzies in the wind in a formidable Blizzard of decadent and self-serving bullsh!t.

An imbalance of this nature hasn’t been seen in over fifty years. It didn’t work then, either. America was not designed to be a parliamentary form of government, ruled entirely by one party at a time. There are several valid reasons why this doesn’t work and it won’t take long to see what they are. No good can possibly come from this gross concentration of wealth-and-war-oriented power.

Don’t mistake me for some commie bastard. I wish I were rich. I’m all for wealth in a free capitalistic society. As long as the privileged pay for that conspicuously oversized slice of pie that has been given to them and as long as they only have the same vote and voice in our government that we are all assured under our chosen and guaranteed form of government. We don’t fill cemeteries with our war dead because we’re fighting for oligarchy and fascism. We’re fighting for Freedom, Democracy, and Liberty. We didn’t fight England just to become pre-revolutionary France.

Once again the Rich aren’t happy with merely eating all of the cake and tossing us the fallen crumbs. Now they want us to raise the filling, make the topping, mix it, bake it, spoon it into their mouths, and wipe their filthy @sses when there is nothing recognizable left. They want to keep all the cake without their ever dirtying a hand in making it or serving it, and they think we should get all the bellyaches that come with their insatiable gluttony. They aren’t merely satisfied with a free ride these days; they think we should also pay for the great privilege of giving them one. When it gets to that point, a point which we have undeniably passed many turns back, we need another Tea Party so that we don’t need to have another Bunker Hill.

I’m all for the Gandhi Approach. Sit on your @ss until the Elephant and the Donkey have no choice but to get up and do something to rectify our situation. It was their baby that they threw out with the bath water. I sure as hell don’t have any Rich Bastards that I spoiled the living crap out of.

A given: We’ve become a nation of Victims, with no one to blame it on but ourselves. The powers that be could never have wrestled control of this Country away from the People if not for our own Cowardice, Laziness, Apathy, and Passivity.

This kind of CLAP cannot be cured by mere Penicillin. It is a malignant and terminal disease from which there is no hope of Recovery. Not as long as we continue to vote for these fools, charlatans, hucksters, and con men (and women). We all know what they are, we’ve known it for two generations and counting, and yet we continue to shoot ourselves in both feet and thrust these self-serving Thieves and Killers into High Office.

I cannot believe that we are this incredibly Stupid. I refuse to believe it, even when there is very strong evidence to the contrary.

It just doesn’t make Any Frigging Sense.

It took Mankind millions of years to crawl out of the primordial Ooze.

In less than two years, we’ve all slithered right back into it.

Another given: The republikans’ insatiable lust for All the Marbles will become their Achilles Heel, a fatal flaw. There will be no other party on which to cast blame for at least the next two years, and there will be no shortage of snafus. We are probably the most conspicuously decadent Civilization ever to disgrace God’s gray Earth, and this seems to have become a perverted badge of pride to our terminally Sick society. Absolutely all political incompetence will rest solely upon the shoulders of the GOP. There will be no other party left for any credible finger-pointing to be directed at. Anything that goes wrong between now and the next presidential inauguration in January of 2005 can only be attributed to the republikans, which should ensure some large measure of accountability, which might not be a bad thing.

Before I gloat in this, we’ll have to live through these years of Treasonous Oligarchy. The military-industrial complex is more powerful than it ever was, and it has the most sympathetic government that it has ever had, that it could ever possibly have hoped for. Caligula is home to rape and abandon and the Devil is running loose in the guise of storefront christianity. These are truly the most fearful times our Country has ever had to deal with, and that’s saying quite a bit.

Am I the only one who saw this coming way back in the earliest stages of the last presidential campaign? I think not. Did anyone else wake up for the presidential debates? A few more. How many of us are awake now? Almost half. How long before enough wake up to have a functional majority? Not soon enough. It’s too late now. The henhouse is full of weasels and the birds are already down to bones and bloody feathers.

We were even forced to deploy a team of “trained observers” to preside over this week’s national midterm election, the same way we do when we have reason to believe that a banana republik is holding an unfair election. This is unprecedented in this country. The “observers” found nothing improper in this election, at least nothing worth passing along to us.

Unlike the 2000 “election” and all modern-day ones that came before it, for the most part, the mass media refused to speculate or to project the election results as they came in. We just heard about them the next day, after all the votes were tallied and all the house and senate candidates were confirmed as either winners or losers, a very anticlimactic conclusion to an already dismal and banal formality. It’s hard to take an egg-sucking dog’s word for how many eggs the chickens laid overnight, especially if that dog still has yolk running down its jowls from the last time. A republikan zombie even managed to insert himself into the void that was created by the great loss of one of our last remaining true liberals, Senator Paul Wellstone, a beloved man, even revered by his foes, a rarity in these turgid times. That’s the one seat that I was quite certain the democrats would retain. Is nothing sacred?

Nearly all remaining “democrats” are moderates, but moderate republikans are nearly extinct. To a Bush konservative, “moderation” means that you will leave the coins on your constituents’ lifeless eyes... at least until after the funeral.

Am I implying that our “election” was fixed again, no less than the notorious 2000 Rezidential Election?

You bet.

It’s a lot easier to believe that than to believe the majority of my Country approves of the deplorable and horrendous changes that have come with King George Bushhog and his band of Merry Pranksters.

In the first year and a half of George’s reign, unemployment is up by a third; violent crime (not counting 9/11) is up for the first time in ten years, along with a severe increase in hate crimes; inflation is surpassing the high-water mark of 1978; environmental and consumer protection standards are nothing more substantial than Ghost Farts; we’ve pulled completely out of the Kyoto Initiative, lost interest in alternative energy sources, deregulated the electric power, natural gas, telephone, and cable industries, and we’ve suffered catastrophically for each new deregulation— not only in obscenely higher monthly bills, but in deplorably piss-poor service, total unaccountability, the frustrating inability to contact anyone in an emergency or because of a wrongful disruption of service, and a categorical refusal to set things right when we’ve been royally screwed by an unreachable, unreasonable, understaffed, incompetent, manipulative, and financially-bloated utility that doesn’t want to be bothered. Ever.

We’ve only paid lip service to the promised affordable, mass-production hybrid high-mileage car and the resulting lower pollution levels; we’ve sold off wildlife preserves and National Parklands and “protected” areas; we consider it a good omen when the DOW and NASDAQ only plummet two hundred points in a day; a million more jobs are lost every year; hard drug usage is back on a high climb; bank robbery is nearly as common as jaywalking; our national retirement plan should be redubbed as “Anti-Social Insecurity;” robber barons and plantation owners were given transferable franchised Licenses to Steal for pesos on the dollar; insurance companies rule the nation; insurance companies claim they know more about what we need in order to stay alive than our doctors do; insurance companies will also be compensated with our tax dollars when our president forces the next huge Domestic Massacre and all that will follow; individuals and companies that have harmed or killed consumers through incompetence, greed, and an irresponsible and total disregard for public safety have been severely limited in their liabilities and compensation for victims and their families; financial and legal penalties for committing gross acts of unfathomable large-scale theft by our wealthiest individuals and corporations are negligible at best; HMOs, insurance, and disability insurance companies routinely deny their customers’ most righteous claims with near total impunity in order to cook the books and lower the insanely unrealistic bottom line even further; citizens’ confidence and trust in our government is at an all-time low; and we’ve already sunk from a $246 billion dollar surplus to a $278 billion dollar deficit, which is over a billion dollars for every single day George has been in office, not counting interest. [Author’s note: Remember, this was November of 2002, right when the current all-republican team was installed. We’re now nearly nine trillion dollars in debt, almost entirely to the Red Chinese, so I may have had something here in this diatribe screed.] That’s well over twice the cost of the entire war in Vietnam in less than two years. We’re already well on our way to being as far in debt as we were after twelve years of Reagan and Poppa Bush, and in only twenty-one short months.

Our nation has never had a more incompetent and dysfunctional administration.

These are just a few of the domestic issues.

Wise choice, fellow voters.

We’re also just out of a war with Afghanistan, ready to go back to war with Iraq (again), North Korea has The Bomb and long-range missiles, Isama bin Laden is still alive and making more threats against us and our allies, and God only knows where all that will all lead. We’ve alienated several of our staunchest allies, Saudi Arabia has changed its mind and said that we can’t use their military bases if we go to war with Iraq; Turkey is also considering this; at least two thirds of the countries on Earth openly hate our guts, and even long-time allies like France and Germany tell us to go screw ourselves.

Afghanistan so greatly appreciated our help in the restoration of their democracy that they overwhelmingly voted the Taliban back in during the first free elections they held in ages, elections they held just as we announced that we may go to Iraq next.

Was it something we said?

These are just a few of our foreign-policy issues.

Back to domestic issues: Our schools are nearly as dilapidated and dysfunctional as the typical third-world country’s, our highways are strangled with clogged traffic and falling apart and all the wrong repairs are being made and taking forever, our bridges are falling apart, and nothing is being done to correct any of these situations. These are not new problems so we are used to this.

What is new, George Bush allowed stem cell research under the guise of helping paralyzed folks and those with debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It doesn’t even particularly bother me if an anti-abortion president rubber-stamped this research, which is occasionally performed with the cells of aborted fetuses. However, it seems this stem cell research is already being horribly abused. It seems far more likely at this point that instead of helping the physically impaired, we’ll be cloning humans for Spare Parts (which, undoubtedly, will be out of the price range of all but a Select Few.) We may even finally wind up with the Perfekt Master Race, which Mr. Hitler failed to achieve despite his most dedicated Atrocities. Our genetikally-engineered Super Korn, which is purported to be medicinal, korn which could never possibly crossbreed and infect native corn, not ever under any circumstance, seems to have done just that. Our polar caps, the world’s natural Air Conditioning Unit, are melting rapidly. The cause is pollution. George has pulled off the restraints of Social Responsibility with idiotic legislature that has reduced current standards on air and water pollution, allowing significantly higher amounts of pollution in the name of higher profit margins. We are killing ourselves swiftly and it’s very likely humankind will be dead within the next hundred years. You can only blame it on second-hand tobacco smoke and air conditioning and hairspray for so long.

Enough of this mad-scientist stuff. Nobody cares. Back to what we on the Flat Earth Society can relate to:

Our railroads and airlines are going t!ts-up faster than goldfish in battery acid, our old people are choosing between food or lifesaving medicine, no one feels safe in public, and oftentimes not even at home. Health Care is a nonexistent joke and King George gave the Big Drug Companies (one of his family’s businesses) carte blanche to keep their overpriced and monopolized patents in perpetuity, effectively stifling affordable generic drugs forever— on drugs millions depend on for their very survival. And he’s enacted legislature to make it illegal to go to Canada to get affordable medicine, shutting off the last remaining way for our sick and aged to stay alive.

If only we had a president who was so speedy at shutting off the wealthys’ loopholes instead of the poors’ lifelines...

No one is spending money to get the economy rolling again— simply because so few of us have enough cash now to cover the barest of essentials and ninety percent of us don’t know if we’ll still have a job tomorrow. God help you if you lose your job because you might not see your first unemployment check for well over three months and nearly every social help agency is disbanded, out of funds, or being phased out. You’re totally on your own, without a net, not as much as a spiderweb to break your fall. Your best bet is to beg charity from a church, any church. An insignificant little thing like an unexpected car repair can mean the difference between Life and Death in these shameful times. For ninety percent of us, our survival is as tenuous as a gnat fart in a hurricane.

Yessiree indeedy... sure sounds like we’re better off than we were two years ago.

In the meantime, the fattest cats and their jaded offspring get to dodge their inheritance taxes for all time, in perpetuity; the wealthiest individuals and corporations in this country are getting massive tax refunds on taxes they never paid in the first place, they’re paying no taxes, abated taxes, or, most likely, we’re paying their taxes— and all this while many of us have lost our life savings, oftentimes to these very same companies! Everyone knows where our lost money went to, but nobody is doing anything about it— kind of like the school bully’s extortion of your lunch money when you were a kid, but on a much grander scale.

At least you had a chance of that bully dropping out or your growing to his size in high school so you could pound the living snot back out of him someday. At the very worst, you only had to put up with him for twelve years.

George’s gang will be there to steal your lunch money and kick you while you’re down for the rest of your life, even long after he’s gone. You’ll be paying for this Roman Orgy for a very, very long time. You can take that to the bank. If you voted for him or his henchmen, you deserve it. The rest of us don’t.

Let’s vote for them all again.

There is a Black Hole where our Treasury used to be. It has already widened and swallowed Social Security, Health Care, Medicare, and what should have been your retirement fund. And mine-$128,000 and counting.

I might as well have bought a brand new Rolls Royce and burnt it up in my driveway the same day, used it to roast marshmallows. All I have to show for twenty years of hard labor at a heartless Fortune 500 Company is a boatload of penny stock that was worth $335 a share just before the “election.” I also have the wholly negative satisfaction of knowing that some poor prepubescent girl in China is performing my job poorly for a couple of cups of rice and a dollar or two a day, sixteen or eighteen hours a day, probably while a Gun is literally held to her poor, sweet little head.

But screw me. They did this to everybody I worked with, a hundred-thousand people. Most of us are raising families, often with sick kids or aged parents that depend on us and our insurance for their very survival. The last few years, we were down to twenty years’ seniority, so the average age was nearly retirement age. These poor old bastards worked hard all their lives, forsaking family and friends to work an inhuman seven-day swing shift, just so they could give their kids and grandkids a better life and to be able to enjoy their golden years with a happy and well-deserved retirement with a nice nest-egg. Then, right at the finish line, a handful of filthy rich yuppie bastards stole that from them no less than if they’d held guns to their heads. They didn’t just do it to our plant. They did it to each and every employee of our esteemed Fortune 500 Company. And our politicians allowed them to get by with it. God only knows why, only God knows why.

We no longer manufacture what I used to make right here in the good old USA, nor are the products still very affordable. Now we’re paying premium prices for an inferior product with no discernible quality control or any remaining domestic competition, competent or otherwise.

This has happened to millions of us in the last two years. If just one million people each lost $100K, that’s a helluva flood of New Old Money that some truly Evil Bastards have at their disposal. I assure you that these people are the Scum of the Earth, and they’re George’s biggest campaign contributors. Why wouldn’t they be? Especially after he repealed the Death Tax for them, too. Now their Piglets can go on to terrorize our Kids and Grandkids in perpetuity.

Now, isn’t that a pretty picture?

Let’s vote for them all again. They’re born again Christian fundamentalists. Jesus told us to starve the poor and feed the Wicked, didn’t he? Kill Thy Neighbor?

Sooner or later, we will recover from our Madness. After years of republikan oppression and excesses, the democrats will come back into power. Their plans will be the same ones we had for the Clinton years.

I, for one, can do without all the sacrificing through downsizings and plant closings and relocations overseas and doubling and tripling up at work. We had to endure all this and more to merely break even during the first four Clinton years. We actually managed to get ahead during Bubba’s second term, but with an exponential increase in suffering. Now, after all that hard work and dedication, we’re already right back where we started, deep in the hole again, very, very deep.

I’ll be a bum the rest of my life before I’ll ever sign up for that shakedown cruise again. I’m not making up for it this time. I had nothing to do with it.

Let’s vote for them again, too. Do we want fast-killing Cyanide, or would we prefer slow-acting Arsenic? That is the two choices left open to us under our current unreformed election campaign structure. No one has the balls to vote for anyone that isn’t a Proven Thief with Many Years of Experience.

Cowardice, Laziness, Apathy, and Passivity. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.

Why should the people who are consistently hurt the most always be the very ones who have to pay for it whenever we lean too far to the Right? Why should we have to make up for the gross incompetence and neglect of another hawkish right-wing conservative administration? We already had twelve years of this slow, sadistic torture during the Reagan and Poppa Bush years. Now we suffer at the hands of the cloned and mutated offspring.

These days, we don’t just lean to the Right. We have fallen over and capsized and sunk to the bottom in it. Glub. Glub. Glub.

We are raped nonstop for four years. Or eight. Or twelve. On the campaign trail, republikans always preach smaller taxes. After they are elected, taxes remain virtually unchanged. Worse, they go to all the wrong places. They all go upwards to aid and enrich only the Top Dogs who dodged them instead of down to any of the peons who paid them.

Republikans also stand on a campaign platform promising smaller, friendlier government— but we always get a bigger monster that totally isolates itself while keeping itself unreachable and untouchable and unaccountable. President Bush: “I’m not even going to discuss that. I already have my mind made up on that. That is not open to negotiation. We’ll move on to my next issue...” Is it just me, or does this sound more like something Saddam Hussein would say? I can’t believe an “elected” President of the United States of America can make a public statement like that, time and time again, to his own constituency, and practically no one raises an eyebrow or questions it in any way. We were just starting to get ahead for the first time since Reagan and Bush One mutilated this Country in 1981 and we’re not only back to the Darkest Ages already, in every possible way we’ve surpassed them. Light years ago.

This last campaign trail was a real Donner Party Special.


Mr. Bush gloated in his cruelty by stating that since he now enjoys a friendly House and Senate, he’s going to regurgitate all of his previously failed proposals back into our faces again for a revote. Nearly all of these proposals were wealth-friendly and extremely hostile to everyone else, which will only further the ever-widening Economic Gap. They include the Repeal of the Dividend Tax, which will, once again, benefit only the wealthiest individuals in this country, allowing them to dodge the very last tax they’re still subject to. This one act alone will cost our Federal Revenue at least a trillion dollars a year, every year, and guess who will make up for it? And George has more coming. These are the very same undemocratic wealth-oriented proposals that have already been rejected once by a republican House and a Senate that only had a one-democrat majority.

That’s politiks: The Swine rejected these blatantly unfair proposals only because they wanted to get reelected. They knew they wouldn’t be if they dicked everybody in an election year. With their rectums on the line at ballot time, they had no choice but to vote these insane proposals down. Now that they don’t have to worry about this for a few years, they’ll bite this time. That’s another given.

I don’t make a point of ever confronting or attacking a reader directly, but extraordinary times demand measures in kind. This is directed only at the konservatives and republikans who are not yet wealthy, the misguided Little Guys and Gals: Half of you moonie clones have forgotten that the Republikans and/or Konservatives did this the last time and the time before that, and you’ll soon forget they did it again this time, and you’ll reelect them again in the next election because you’ll fall for the same old song and dance again because you’ll be too stubborn to listen to the half of us who don’t have ADD and you’re too ignorant or too fricking stupid to remember on your own. They’ll ream you at every opportunity until right before election time, then they’ll throw you a few crumbs right at the finish line and you’ll say, “Gee whiz, these are some pretty good guys,” and you’ll vote for them again and get screwed over again for the next three years and nine months. Georgie knows all this because daddy taught him how to play the politik game to the hilt.

To put the icing on the cake, they’ll whip out the old “Republicans go to heaven and everybody else goes to hell” speech. Half of you will buy it even if Georgie sprouts goat horns, a forked tail, and cloven hooves. You’ll buy it if three bright red neon sixes burst forth from his chimplike brow. You’ll even buy into his feigned konservative spirituality if he starts farting sulfurous fireballs at Billy Graham— as long as he promises you the moon and the stars and he says something you want to believe in.

I doubt if I’ve offended too many of my dear readers because I seriously doubt that any republikan would ever have read this far. Nor would most republikans be capable of such. Too many long sentences with big words, too few pictures, and there’s no Waldo.

The democrats at least go through the motions of trying to do something for the people, even if it is always hopelessly watered down by the time it reaches us. “Republican” is being in the middle of the ocean alone with no life preserver and a big rock tied to your neck. “Democrat” is the same thing, but without the rock.

You’ve finally got your Dictator’s Diploma, George. It’s probably the first thing you ever excelled at and earned on your own merit. Use it wisely and use it often. Go as far overboard as you want. Maybe NATO will rescue us eventually, even if they have to relocate their world headquarters to a more democratic country like Chile or Cuba to be able to do it.

Mr. Bush’s republikan all-tsar team will also have the great privilege of appointing the next two “Supreme Court” judges for life, an act that will greatly impact many aspects of our own lives for the next generation or two. As you know, the current “supreme court” handed Mr. Bush his pseudo-democratik “presidency.” You can bet there will be no checks or balances or impartiality found in these new appointees. They’ll never stand accused of disambiguation. They’ll be as far to the Right as a democracy-in-name-only can tolerate. Our Bill of Rights and our Constitutional Rights are already Dead On Arrival. I can see what will come next. Total Oligarchy. Unfettered Fascism. Lords and Masters to the front of the line. Serfs, peons, proles, and slaves, you don’t even merit the back seats. Get out and push the bus. Why should we have to buy gas? It’s just not cost-effective. Sorry, but we are once again forced to reinvent ourselves. We’d give you some Vaseline, but petroleum-based products can really detract from the Bottom Line. Try thinking about baseball or Doctor Phil.

Yeah... sounds good to me. Why not have an all-republikan administration from now on? Why not just have a dictator for life, like in Iraq? You’ve sure earned my vote.

Those were more domestic issues. So are these:

We didn’t mind being Swindled out of our life savings, our 401Ks, our pension plans, and our jobs. No problem. We didn’t hold it against Mr. Bush just because he used his close friend Ken Lay’s Enron jets on his flatulent campaign trail. We didn’t even mind that Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney were meeting almost constantly with Ken Lay and the Enron power structure before, during, and after Mr. Bush’s undeserved and ill-timed 2001 “vacation.”

Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney “allegedly” fomented Ken Lay’s same “Super-Inflated Corporate Assets by way of Highly Creative Accounting” modus operandi when they raided their own companies over ten years ago. Ken Lay may have borrowed this strategy from them. We didn’t even care that Bush II and Cheney pioneered a much larger-scaled version of Martha Stewart’s Inside-Trading MO when they sold off their own respective companies’ stock just before it bottomed out and went skunko during Poppa Bush’s 1988-1992 reign, and Dumbya’s brother Neil took the fall. It’s only coincidence that Bush and Cheney pulled this same horse-crap on their own companies a decade ago and now their best-unclaimed buddy Ken Lay whips out a cookie-cutter blueprint of it out during Dubya’s first “vacation.”

While Bill Clinton was being impeached during an attack on Iraq, Republican chairman Tom DeLay said, “Being at war does not grant [Clinton] the privilege of breaking the law.” Chairman Tom stood in front of the entire Nation and said this had nothing to do with petty partisan politics. If this were true for a democratic president who had lied by omission to congress about a consensual BJ, one can safely assume that it should also apply to a sitting republican president and vice president who had lied by omission to everyone about complicity in the largest heist ever perpetrated upon the American Public, the immediate theft of half a billion dollars by a group of unmasked fat old white guys right in front of every surveillance camera and phone on the premises. Eventually, this snow-balled to a loss of half a trillion dollars. But it was blamed on lousy bookkeeping. We can trace potential terrorist funds and confiscate them from halfway around the world, but there is absolutely no way we can trace money stolen from the American Public when it’s sitting in some CFO’s and CEO’s bank accounts a mere stone’s throw south of Florida, let alone can we return it to its rightful owners.

Give me a friggin’ break.

God forbid we should actually prosecute someone who stole half a billion dollars from his loyal employees and then send him to jail with folks who are there for stealing a pint of milk for their starving kids.

That’s right. Some of us are doing life for stealing milk and bread for our kids. Three strikes, you’re out, mandatory life sentence, automatic, no exceptions. Let’s see, first there were the drunk driving things, then the cocaine thing, then the inside-trading company stock thing, innumerable laws broken pertaining to his “election,” now at least a complicity charge in Enrongate, if not using executive powers to participate in and cover up several huge felonies for himself and his highly-placed friends... isn’t that more than three? What poor dumbass in Huntsville could have gotten by with all this?

Chairman Tom seems to be pleading the fifth on this one.

Aiding and abetting Ken Lay and his henchmen in a theft and a minimal cover-up of half a billion dollars from loyal employees and investors is certainly no crime. It’s undoubtedly nowhere near as bad as that Lewinsky Hummergate Thing. Besides, the September 11th Tragedy happened during this time. That’s a Get Out Of Jail Free Card if I’ve ever seen one.

I’ll never forget seeing Mr. Bush when he heard about it. He looked so clueless and innocent that we’d be heartless to pursue any Criminal Charges and/or Impeachment proceedings against him and poor little Dick Cheney just for helping a close friend to steal a piddly half a billion dollars, a close friend who financed a very sizable known portion of George’s “election.” And little Dick’s.

We’re at War now. This is neither the time nor the place to bother Georgie and little Dick about such trivial things. We’d best seal up Daddy’s records, too, so nobody can connect the dots to what’s happening now— after all, it’s almost exactly the same administration that we have now, and Isama bin Laden was trained to fight the Russkies in Afghanistan by Poppa Bush while he was CIA head. We won’t worry about Enrongate. We’ll just stay at War from now on. Saddam’s been peaceful for a while. Let’s stir some crap up with him. We’re done with Afghanistan. Hell, we got ten or fifteen countries we can bomb the living snot out of right now. To hell with the repercussions, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

That’s what I call some major-league Job Security. Where’s Tom DeLay’s lowly High Horse when you really need a Ride?

What’s sad is, it appears that half of the country is behind him. Those who voluntarily submit to being defrauded are every bit as corrupt as those who defraud them.

As unfortunate as Sept. 11th was, it was very advantageous politikally to our prez and vice-prez. It was also very convenient. Am I implying that it was far too advantageous, far too convenient, and am I also implying that the timing was extremely suspicious, at best?

It’s very possible, but unlikely to ever be proven. There’s that ‘Plausible Deniability” clause that seems to work for the Bush family so well. The thinnest insulator can still hide the biggest spark that ignited the Inferno. Poppa headed the CIA long enough to know how the Game is played.

Am I saying that George and/or Dick were behind it? Probably not directly. I’m just saying that it certainly was a silver lining in a very black cloud for a handful of very powerful people, and we all know a few of the ones who benefited the most from this great Calamity, those who are still reaping in these very Dark Harvests. I’m just one of the few who would ever be crazy enough to speak of this unmentionable bumper crop of Residual Blank Checks and Rubber-Stamped Proposals for the Elite which are hidden in legislature purporting to make Our Country Safe for Democracy-In-Name-Only.

If the emperor’s naked, I’m not above laughing at his tiny pee-pee, not even if it kills me, which it likely will. Like I said in the beginning, I could use the break.

As bad as this situation already is, I’m infinitely more worried about the shadow people who are profiting by this great catastrophe. It’s all too easy to blame the front men, George and his lackeys. We all know who they are. They’re just high-profile decoys that the real magicians use to distract us while the really sneaky action is taking place backstage.

There are several very good reasons why we don’t know the anonymous folks who pull the strings behind the curtains, very small people with tremendous amounts of highly concentrated wealth and insatiable egos and a penchant for Personal Advancement through widely spread violence and death and economic torture. These are the very folks who brought 9/11 down upon us, even ultimately upon themselves. We don’t know who these shadow people are because they do not want us to know who they are. They have enough money and influence and power to remain proactively anonymous. They can only survive in the dark, like the cowardly bloodsucking little vampires that they are. They don’t exactly live in EZ-access neighborhoods and do their shopping at Wal-Mart. The Devil’s greatest trick is in making us think he does not exist. Poof, gotcha!

Hi, Richard Mellon Scaife! Who are your best buddies, your bosses? Would they like to come out and play? Oh, I see, they shrivel up and blow away if they come out into the light. Sh!t Vampires.

Was that another Nail I just heard pounding into my coffin lid? No big deal... in for a penny, in for a pound. I can only be silenced forever once. Thank you, thank you very much, Dug has left the building. Pictures at Eleven.

I cannot help but wonder if this Great Tragedy would still have befallen us if Al Gore had won. Am I the only one who has ever wondered about this? I don’t think I am, but that’s something else we never talk about. The fact is, Bush scares a lot of people, probably even half of us here. His reputation and his family history precede him.

I can only imagine how the folks overseas feel about him, especially our enemies and our fair-weather friends. I can’t help but feel that Mr. Bush somehow engendered 9/11, whether it was overtly, covertly, accidentally, or just because he is who he is and his clique is a legacy comprised mostly of his father’s treacherous holdovers, Hawks who have a long history of stirring up all sorts of trouble outside our borders without our media finding out— or talking about it if they do find out. Which brings us back to the Big Question, would the WTC buildings still be here if Al Gore had won and would American soil still be unstained and safe?

I guess we’ll never know. Just like we’ll never know who killed JFK the last time we had a coup and a bunch of hawks got their hands in everything and an ugly war came and we festered in it until the ground was supersaturated with blood and too many of our kids came home in plastic bags and our treasury bled itself dry while a handful of the lowest form of inhuman scum got filthy rich.

Come to think of it, the guy who started that war was a hawkish Texan, too, but a democrat.

Cowardice, Laziness, Apathy, and Passivity. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.

In the case of 9/11, I believe the egg came before the chicken. I believe our political and military vultures fed off the tragedy after the fact and manipulated it into a bottomless cash cow for pretty much anything they ever wanted, everything they ever dreamed of. I don’t think they overtly caused the tragedy itself. I hope that I’m right, but the jury is out on that one. But probably not forever.

All that really matters is, how badly do we want war, are there any alternatives to war, what are our objectives, just how many countries will be involved in this war, how many on our side, how many against us, how much can we rely on our allies, just who are our allies and how trustworthy are they, how long will it last, how many more acts of domestic terrorism will this war precipitate, how many more terrorist sleeper agents live here and why have they been so quiet and what are they up to, will we be able to live with the domestic civilian fatalities we will inevitably engender, what kinds of weapons will be used and where and by whom, will there be weapons of mass destruction used, will we be able to live with these consequences, what price will we be willing to put on this war in casualties, lives lost, MIAs, POWs, hostages- both military and civilian, what level of commitment will we have, what economic and natural resources will be squandered, and, after all this, what, if anything, will we gain, will the countries we attack change for the better, will we be able to maintain their supposed freedom, will there still be terrorists left in this world, and, in the best case scenario, if we get every last one of them, how long will it take before the next generation decides to avenge their predecessors and how many more have we trained just like Isama bin Laden, terrorists we trained on Our Nickel and with our full blessings? How many more are we training right now to fight Isama bin Laden, who will likely be dead in the very near future anyway?

Would this administration even tell us if he is dead? When the War Machine can keep on running forever on his ghost?

With the likelihood of a massive and unstoppable escalation of this War, will there still be a world left to even worry about? Or one worth worrying about?

And then, even if it’s a perfectly quick and painless war, what will the rebuilding and maintenance cost, and how much commitment will we have to keeping Iraq free? How can we afford this when we can’t pay our own medical bills and keep our own schools open? How can we pay for this when every single state has a huge deficit since this incompetent administration bled our own Nation dry?

It’s obvious to me that my fellow citizens did not elect an all-republican government because of its excellence in solving domestic issues. I know that most people don’t like losing their jobs and starving and living in a constant state of inescapable Fear, and they don’t enjoy getting kicked around and robbed by bullies of all kinds, either. If they were willing to vote republican and put up with all this after a horrible twenty-one month taste of it, this can only mean two things to me... the most obvious one is, this midterm election was fixed, too.

If that’s a faulty assumption, the only other logical alternative is, most people are pretty pissed off about the terrorist attacks and I can’t really blame them. They knew that putting Hawks in charge of everything would ensure a really big war, maybe a whole series of long, hard wars, likely even a World War before all is said and done, and these voters think that this is what they want and it’s what’s best for the country.

I know that most of you don’t like being poor and made more so. You must have wanted this war, these wars, really, really bad. You had to know that’s what you would get with this administration and with this new congress and senate. I hope you know what you did. I do. So does half the Country, in varying degrees. We knew better.

What’s done is done. Go after the terrorists, but within reason. Be realistic about it. Be rational. Don’t bomb entire nations just to get a handful of punks that are hiding there. We have far more than enough enemies now. As bad as it was, and it was catastrophic, it’s not worth starting World War III over. That’s exactly what we’re going to have if we declare war on every single sovereign country that might be harboring a group of terrorists. On the news tonight, CBS said we suspect eighty countries of harboring potential terrorist cells right now. Are we going to bomb them all? Are we going to bomb the whole world? There are 331 potential terrorists loose in our own country right now that the FBI has admitted to “losing track” of. We’ve been searching for them for months. Are we going to carpet-bomb New Jersey and Connecticut to get them?

Terrorists do not stay in one place. They look pretty much like everybody else until after they have struck and their pictures are plastered all over the evening news. Locating them before an attack and capturing their surviving members afterwards is like trying to catch a single flea in an unknown part of the Sahara with a whale net. They’re cockroaches. They hide when you turn on the light and they come back out the second you leave. And we always give them a very long warning before we turn the lights on, because if we actually catch them, the wars end and certain people lose a lot of power, clout, and revenue.

Afghanistan should have taught us that. The bastards we wanted most were probably gone months before we got there. We gave them plenty of time to run, and we screamed it loud enough for even the dead to hear, for many months before we went in. In this way, we encouraged them to escape, and to attack us again. The terrorists fled Afghanistan, scattered to Pakistan and India and Southeast Asia and Malaysia and Indonesia and the Mid East and everywhere else— or they stayed right where they were and they assimilated, hiding among the rest of the population with pro-American placards held high and proud, grinning, clean shaven, and shouting their thanks to us.

The assimilators are the most dangerous ones. They look like everybody else. They don’t have bright red “Terrorist” logos stenciled on their foreheads. They smile and wave and cheer for us. They have wives and families. They have regular jobs. With few exceptions, all we caught were the slow ones, the stupid ones, and the unlucky ones.

Besides, nearly every country we purchase oil from is hostile to us in some measure and nearly all of them are harboring terrorists, most of whom are from these same countries. We saved Kuwait, but they produce and harbor terrorists, and Kuwait itself is becoming increasingly hostile towards us. The majority of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, which is about as close to an ally as we have in the OPEC nations. What does this mean? Is this really our second-best ally in the Mid East after Israel? Other than Israel, do we have any true friends in the Mid East?

After we restored stability in Afghanistan, allowing their people to finally hold free elections, they overwhelmingly voted the Taliban right back in. What did we accomplish there? Did we really do much of anything? Sure, we spent a helluva lot of money and our “Defense” Industry had a great year. How about the war itself? All I saw were the same three old stock film shots of a bomb hitting a pile of dirt by a burnt-out Yugo, another shell hitting the top of an isolated ridge, and a terrorist training camp with a bunch of bearded guys swinging on monkey bars. They could have been adults in an Afghani special education school for all we knew. I’m not all that scared by broken down Yugos, the tops of empty hills, and grown men who have had rigorous monkey bar training. These things pose no threat to me.

What scares me is the current worldwide paranoia that engenders the potential for a far greater tragedy in a larger terrorist strike than 9/11. Baghdad or Kandahar might do this to us, or to one of our allies, but that would really surprise me. What I fear most is that the next terrorist attack will hit overseas and it will originate directly from Washington and/or Langley. If it’s not completely justified, we may easily turn the entire world against us. I can see this happening so easily that it mortifies me. Regardless who strikes the next major blow, I am quite certain that it won’t be too many months or years before both side whip out the weapons of mass destruction.

All that for a boogeyman hunt.

Like I said, it’s not worth starting WWIII over. It’s just another Vietnam, but one that ultimately covers the entire “civilized” world. More than a few of these potentially hostile nations have The Bomb now, including Pakistan and North Korea. They’re probably as anxious to use it on somebody as we were. Let’s hope that they are more responsible with their new Toy than what we were. We had ours exactly three weeks to the day. We dropped ours on civilian cities when we felt threatened in a time of war. They will, too.

It’s not worth it. The henhouse is already gone. Chain the dogs back up.

Mark my words, by the time this war is in full swing, Vietnam will seem like a T-Ball game on a warm Saturday afternoon. In the immortal words of Jim Morrison, I’m gonna get my kicks before the whole sh!thouse goes up in flames.

Thanks for putting the most rabid foxes in charge of the henhouse. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. In twenty-one pages, I’ve managed to scribble a more frightening story than Stephen King could ever hope to write.

Unfortunately, it’s not a work of fiction. “The Stand” is happening right here and now. I’m heading for Boulder. You can have Vegas.ª

If nothing else, Czarevitch George has taught me one valuable lesson: For the first time in my life, I don’t worry about tomorrow. Despite my many layers of obvious horror and anger, I’m closer to God, the real God, not the golden calf that King George and his cronies worship when the doors are closed, the cameras are off, and all the lights are out. I fear nothing.

I know in my heart that I’m forgiven. I’ve repented and paid penance. I have nothing to fear God for, other than a few harsh words uttered on paper in retaliation and self-preservation and a desire for peaceful alternatives. I don’t think God will hold much of this against me. I did the best with my life that I could. I love freely and unabashedly.

Most importantly, I love life, not death, and I live for the moment.

That may be all any of us have left.

♠Update: Friday, November 22, 2002.

President Bush decreed that he is immediately reducing pollution and emissions control standards even further on automobiles, trucks, power plants, and older factories.

He was overseas when this shameless announcement was released to the American public.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.