If you want to leave society behind, do what we do in Canada...
"'Squatter' secretly builds incredible (but thoroughly illegal) treehouse hidden in Canada's Whistler forest just yards from multi-million homes"
Added pluses...
"Canada best G20 country to be a woman; Policies that promote gender equality, safeguards against violence and exploitation and access to healthcare make Canada the best place to be a woman among the world's biggest economies, a global poll of experts showed on Wednesday..."
"Canada at top five in world economic freedom ranking"
"USA fiscal cliff a toboggan ride for Canadians"
"Canada's overall police-reported crime rate dropped six per cent in 2011 from the previous year, reflecting the lowest crime figures recorded since 1972. Statistics compiled by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS) and released Tuesday by Statistics Canada showed that the crime rate in 2011 was at its lowest level in 39 years. The decline continues a downward trend that began in the 1990s"
The cherry on top, despite Canada having 'gun control' the same assault rifle used in the Colorado threatre shootings, is available for sale and possession.
[we just don't shoot each other with them, 'gun control' isn't just about weapons, it's about self control also]
" but transitioning to socialism can suck"
Dude, Universal Healthcare - making sure we're all healthy is hardly Communism... we do prefer learned and reasonable persons. Keep that in mind if you come up.
'Socialist' would mean I get things for free, I don't; Canadians pay for our Healthcare. It's 'universal' not 'free' and means you can never be refused medical care for any reason.
You Americans really gotta get over this labelling stuff wrongly.
I hope this isn't where I get to hear we're ruled by Britain...
Best of luck to you regardless of which direction the wind blows.
"Even if it was a good country to retreat to, what's gonna happen when America sucks even more, just how many Americans you think are gonna be going to Canada? "
I'm going to be brutally honest here, but only just because you asked a valid question so deserve a valid response...
Not many.
Fact is the USA has a very distorted view of the world and precious few even know much about their own neighbor.
Most in the USA think nobody can have guns.
They think we're Socialist.
They think we're ruled. They've invaded Canada twice thinking we'd rebel against British rule - not having the slightest clue we weren't even a Colony but instead a Dominion [we rule ourselves]
They think it snows and we all live in igloos.
Besides the USA already tried making Canada a part of the US twice by invading.
Even though they got ejected both times they think we're weak and we can be easily owned.
Whatever.... :)
In the meantime Canada has the highest standard of living going, our economy kicking butt doing awesome and the world loves us - because we love it.
I don't walk my streets fearing people with weapons. I don't fear my government or the world has a sinister intent I need to arm myself against.
No Indian Wars, no slavery, no racial bs, gay marriage legal...
A Nation large enough for everyone to live in peace.
True personal freedoms