How can the United States withdraw from Iraq in a way that is good for Iraq, its neighbors and the U.S.?
2005-12-09 09:49:20 UTC
How can the United States withdraw from Iraq in a way that is good for Iraq, its neighbors and the U.S.?
Two answers:
2005-12-09 10:44:03 UTC
i believe that a slow and thorough withdrawl over a period of the next year is the only way out of iraq. we made the mess, and now we MUST do our best to leave them with a non-explosive situation once we are gone. many of the iraq's don't want us there, but are afraid of an immediate withdrawl will land their society into the hands of the political extremes and possibly fundamentalist elements. we cannot pull out now, but over time with control.
2005-12-10 05:06:56 UTC
when bush gave a state of the union address stating that those who harber or give aid to terrorist.i knew we had a president who had enough.iran is next to iraq. why leave so quick?we as americans are good people, its ok to say. no need to feel vain or errigant.weve given billions of dollers to countries and helped countless people,were not the death star.wouldnt it be nice to grow old in any country without fear and famine.

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