Please people. I've read just about all the responces here so far and am very surprised.
Limbaugh is a person with strong opinions that has used those opinions to develop a following that is huge and that following is the basis for his financial support.
The main point is that he expresses his opinion. All you have to do is listen (or not) and agree (or not)...done, finished that is all.
That I see so much vitriol her against a man expressing his opinion tells me not that you don't like the man or his opinions, but that you fear the man who has opinions.
I wish there were some liberal talk show hosts out there that I could listen to. Fact is quite a few have tried to build up a listenership large enough to support the show and pay a wage, but they have failed miserably because hardly anyone wants to listen to them, and fact is they don't.
I think it is one of the most telling signs of a healthy American society that we have people of conviction willing to say what they believe in. I call that Integrity. And I can respect that regardless of the opinion, liberal or conservative.
But when I see people try to debase someone for expressing their beliefs I have to wonder what kind of America you want to have? One where only views that you agree with are allowed to be voiced? I know a place like that. It is called Korea. Seen any film of that place? Like what you see? I don't.
I believe in freedom and let me say that no matter how strongly I disagree with you, a liberal, and how vociferous I am in refuting your opinions and beliefs...I would die defending your right to express them freely.
If you ask me, Limbaugh is one example of what is great about our country. Debate his opinions with objective reality and logic...not defamation.
And no, I don't agree with him on everything he has to say. In fact I consider he stands somewhat to my left in most of my viewpoints, so you must really love me right? The difference is that I don't have millions of people hearing my opinions and that fact encourages fear based redicule.
If anyone has stuck with this rant this far, disagree, but don't ever feel that fear of an opinion is reason to take away such a powerful right.