Hold on. You are basically saying that the US Economy is a business and we had a profit.
Taxes are not supposed to be a profit. Government is supposed to spend only what it takes in. Nothing more, nothing less. Projected surpluses are just that - projected. I agree that Bush & co. are spending like drunken sailors. However its not the war or the social programs that are costing us the most, it is all of the additional items that the senators and house members are tacking on the bills . It is known as pork barrel spending.
For example, $320 million for a bridge in Alaska. A complete list can be found on the web at http://www.cagw.org/site/PageServer?pagename=reports_pigbook2006
According to the IRS data, the rich pay 96.5% of all taxes. The numbers for 2003 are at this site: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/03in05tr.xls. So a 5% across the board tax cut for someone making is $20,000 is $1,000. For someone making $2 million, it is $100,000.
Let's assume that everyone pays a flat tax rate of 28%. A person making $2 million person pays $560,000 in taxes. A person making $20,000 pays $5,600. As you can see the rich pay 99% more taxes than a person paying $5,600. Or it would take 100 tax payers making $20,000 to pay as much taxes as 1 rich person.
So I don't want to hear about the tax cut for the rich because they pay far more into the system and support the lazy and disadvantaged people of society. You got a $1,000 tax break, did you write a check and send the money back to the government as a donation? I highly doubt that you did.
I am so tired of hearing this argument from the liberals. I am in sales and the economy is doing very well this year. My sales numbers show it. My sales numbers in 1998 & 1999 were in the tank. I am selling the same products to the same territory and have been doing it since 1992. So nothing is different. That is when your boy Bill Clinton was in office. Do you care to explain the difference between today and 1998 to me? My income is 60% commision based. So if sales are down, I don't make as much or pay as much in taxes.
5:14 PM
I am looking at the broader picture and basically what you are saying is that taxes is revenue and Bill Clinton is the best. Last time I looked the unemployment rate was as follows:
Dec 4, 1998 America's Economy Remains Solid and Strong. In November, unemployment dropped to 4.4 percent. However when Clinton left office, the unemployment rate was 5.6% and was still considered a "low" rate.
According to the Bureau of Labor, current unemployment is 4.7 as of Aug of 2006. Please see http://stats.bls.gov/
As for knocking sales, last time I looked sales were the gauge that everyone uses to predict the health of the economy. Factory order, car purchases, etc. There are very few organizations reporting bad sales. GM's problems were self induced. So you must be talking to all GM and Ford factory workers who are getting laid off. All of the people in my neighborhood (all factory workers) seem to be happy, people are buying LCD HDTV's, etc. So things are not as bad as you paint them.
If we went to a sales tax revenue system vs. an income tax revenue system, we would not be having this discussion. Income would be free, anything you bought would be taxed. Its called a consumption tax. People who make more money consume more, thus they pay more taxes. But the liberals don't want this. Just look at how they cry like stuck pigs when the topic is brought up. They call it a "tax cut for the rich"!
Oh I forgot, Bush is always wrong and regardless of what he does and or what anyone else says, it will not be as great as Bill Clinton.