How did World Trade Center building 7 fall on 9/11?
2007-02-26 14:40:25 UTC
Hi! I have just now gotten back from the Greenwood Library {in Seattle} from a showing of parts of videos about the 911 conspiracy -- a sort of compilation of clips from different videos by different people. Before today, I was skeptical -- I would have gone so far as to say that Bush & co. KNEW something in advance, and decided it was in their best interest to DO NOTHING -- that's as far as I thot it reasonable to go.

NOW, however, after viewing those clips -- especially of No. 7 going down -- we have all seen, over & over, clips in the news of hi-rises going down, it's always fun to watch -- and building 7 went down EXACTLY the same way, you could see it in all the clips, over & over, from all different angles. There was NO debris on the roof; and the fires burning were such as SHOULD have been able to have been put out by sprinklers.

Furthermore, one of the people involved SAID that "they had decided to PULL the building" -- THAT IS A TECHNICAL TERM USED BY DEMOLITION PEOPLE AND IT MEANS "TO DEMOLISH"! This was after the investigation started. It was NOT, of course, picked up by any of the news media. You & I never heard that, did we? It's sensational! a confession!

BUT, wait -- there's more! In order for a building to go down in the neat manner we have all seen in numerous news clips of numerous buildings, IT TAKES EXPERTS DOING DAYS, MAYBE WEEKS OF CAREFUL WORK TO PLACE THE EXPLOSIVES JUST EXACTLY RIGHT, etc.etc. If No. 7 went down just hours after the twin towers -- THAT MEANS THE EXPLOSIVES WERE ALREADY IN PLACE DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT!!!!!!! You can imagine what THAT implies! They can't just run in there, set a few explosive charges in a couple of hours, and have the building go down in that neat, very professional way!!!!!

There is evidence that one of the entire floors of that building was used as a "command center" -- it, only one floor, was bomb-proofed, HAD ITS OWN AIR SUPPLY and its own water supply, and had glass installed that was able to withstand 160-mile-an-hour winds. Only one floor. That had a good view of the other twin towers. There are in existence the records of this work being done and paid for.

The idea was, that this building, no. 7, was used to "command" maybe drone airplanes? or supervise the whole thing anyway, and THAT WAS WHY BUILDING 7 HAD TO BE DESTROYED -- TO DESTROY INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE !

NO STEEL-FRAMED BUILDING IN THE WHOLE HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE HAS EVER GONE DOWN FROM A FIRE!!!!!! That is impossible. Never happened before, never will happen. If it WERE possible, every office worker and hi-rise apartment dweller ought to be concerned!
Nineteen answers:
2007-02-26 18:02:02 UTC
It's truly comical how some people get on here and try to spout stuff without even knowing the facts. Steel does NOT burn at 750 degrees...the temp. of jet fuel...without an excellerant. There were rolling black out at the WTC towers at least 3 weeks leading up to 9-11. That is where thermite was installed. Most of the jet fuel went up and out of the second tower. Falling concrete does NOT turn into powder...without help.

Do you research people...those planes did NOT bring the towers down. Rumsfeld even admitted..on tape(video) that flight 93 was SHOT DOWN.

You are nothing more than sheeple if you continue to believe the government's side of that day.

"You can fool some of the people all the time, those are the ones we are concentrating on." George Bush.

Even HE knows he has you fooled!
2007-02-26 15:07:20 UTC
Browsing the answers, I noticed this one:

"Steel loses it's temper when it is under constant heat like burning jet fuel."

I'm wondering what happens when it loses its temper. Does it get hot under the collar?

But seriously, one thing to take into account is that the attacks were carefully planned by educated Al Queda people who understood the engineering of the buildings. They knew above a certain temperature the buildings would crush themselves downwards. On the floor with the most heat from the fire, the welds in the vertical beams come loose, and that floor collapses. The whole top of the building falls down one floor when a middle floor collapses. That's a huge amount of heavy metal falling 10 feet. Have you ever seen a piece of metal fall 10 feet? It hits so hard it can do serious damage. The top half of the building was such a heavy piece of metal, when it hit the floor below, it broke it loose from its welds, and the whole building kept falling like that, one floor at a time. A rapid cascading collapse. Sort of like dominoes, but straight downward.

You need not be concerned that such a thing could be caused by an ordinary fire. This fire was far hotter than any ordinary fire ever gets. A whole jumbo airliner with enough fuel to fly thousands of miles. That fuel burns extremely hot. Such a thing would not be possible in an ordinary fire. There would be no place that much fuel could come from. Ordinary fires are caused by wood burning, etc., which is a breeze compared to that much jet fuel burning.
2007-02-26 15:35:03 UTC
With all due respect I ain't buying it.

Have you ever heard of Richard Nixon? He was the only President of the United States to resign from office. He was part of a conspiracy to cover-up a burglary where no one was hurt. That conspiracy was comprised of about eight people and he was unable to keep it under wraps. His crimes were technically and legally the same as President Clinton's attempt to cover-up the Monica situation, it was obstruction of justice. Only Nixon didn't commit perjury. The press went after Nixon like a bunch of jackals. They applied pressure until he was forced out of office.

Now a conspiracy like you suggest would require at least hundreds of people be involved. And, while Clinton was a democrat and immune from media investigation Bush is a Republican and the target of same. I can't imagine a Presidential conspiracy comprising hundreds of people and costing thousands of lives would go undetected, especially since conspiracies fall apart from inside. Someone has to brag about it and that spells the end.

The towers came down, let's say they were imploded, why was it necessary to crash a commercial airliner into a field in Pennsylvania.

No I'm sorry, I have seen the photos and clips too, including the one with the face of a man in the smoke cloud. The guy who did that can get a job in Hollywood any time he wants it.

Just as I can manipulate the serial number on a dollar bill to get the number 666 a conspiracy theorist can pick two or three anomalies out of a situation and spin a whole web of intrigue out of it. The “no moon landing” has been debunked and at first sight it was convincing to me and a lot of others. And about no fire damaging a steel building, the heII it hasn’t I was there and there was NO jet fuel involved. When I investigated aircraft accidents I have seen many pieces of steel deformed by fuel fires. The information you are basing that comment on is just incorrect.

When a person “believes” that is the end of it, their facts are set. Remember the concept that simple is probably right. Weeks of setting charges under the noses of 100,000 people then killing thousands of them. Believe what you will but I think your wrong…

Cheers, and have a good day.
2007-02-26 14:50:11 UTC
You might be surprised to find out that the world is in fact not flat as it looks even from the highest building. The problem with your "evidence" is that there is no evidence of any kind to support the wild concept that the President of the United States would kill a bunch of people just to get us into a war. Even if that were arguable, I don't see how anyone with a rational thought in their head could on one hand call President Bush a dunce and on the other hand accuse him of masterminding the most outstanding operation ever to hit the planet earth. Not only would he have to involve hundreds if not thousands of other people in his scheme, but he would somehow have had the ability to keep this quiet for six years. It is astounding to suggest that he could pull this off even if he wanted to. Where are the people who were killed at the WTC? Where are the people who boarded the airplanes? Why didn't anyone in New York notice that someone was installing explosives in the WTC? Your theory just does not hold any water despite the number of "conclusive" videos that "prove" that it happened. Surely no one can hate Bush enough to suggest that he would do such a thing.
2007-02-26 14:56:52 UTC
There were many causes for the failure of the two towers:

1. The planes that crashed into the towers were nearly filled with fuel.

2. The fire retardant that was used in the buildings was the spray on type not nearly as effective as rigid fire rated material, but much cheaper.

3. The fires in the towers were above 2000 degrees F. This makes the steel soft.

4. The heat caused the air in the buildings to expand pushing outward against the buildings columns.

5. The soft columns began to bow. This changed the loading on the columns for which the columns were not designed for.

6. All of the above worked together causing the buildings to pancake - one floor could not hold the floor above it and it collapsed, causing the next floor to collapse and so on.

The City Engineer should have ordered everyone out of the buildings after the second crash.
2007-02-26 15:23:42 UTC
I implore you to forget about events at the World Trade Centre and at the Pentagon for a while and go back to the airports on the morning of 9/11, that’s where you will find the smoking gun.

There is not a shred of evidence placing the nineteen (19) alleged hijackers at any of the three (3) airports on the morning of 9/11/2001.

2007-02-26 14:48:46 UTC
Yes they did it, the feds did it.they blew them up.controlled demolition.they got those people off those planes and or now cremated.Yes it was military drones which went into those buildings.The future will be worst.when they do another one,declare Marshall law.fill the concentration camps with true Americans and declare war on the country they PICK to be the one they wish to attack to start the war of civilizations.they will; then draft out fight the war . may God help us all.may my beloved South land leave the Union again and make it stick this time.many millions of Americans want another investigation, so why isn't it being looked into? because our leaders most ALL or controlled by a hidden power Elite.
2007-02-26 14:45:11 UTC
Well on the conspiracy videos I watched they didn't show how much damage there was to the building and how bad the fire was in it.

I seen the pics of how badly damaged it was on some sites and on a programme called conspiracy files and it was a lot worse than they showed in any of the conspiracy videos I had seen.
2007-02-26 14:50:21 UTC
It was controlled demolition. Don't believe the "Official" 911 report.
2007-02-26 14:45:14 UTC
Steel loses it's temper when it is under constant heat like burning jet fuel.
♥ Cassie ♥
2007-02-26 14:44:40 UTC
Like it was planned to fall, into it's basement.
2007-02-26 14:48:36 UTC
Look outside. See the people in the white coats? They're coming for you.

The towers fell because nutjob Muslims flew two passenger planes into them. Seriously, how gullible must a person be to believe these cornball conspiracies?
2007-02-26 14:47:36 UTC
Its obvious that the government did it. its shameful how lazy cowardly and worthless the american public is to not do anything about it
2007-02-26 14:47:47 UTC
I'll keep this short, lol. The weight from the jet liners caused the structures to collapse. Those high risers were not designed to hold a mega ton air ship.
2007-02-26 14:44:53 UTC
It was pulled - like the other two...
2007-02-26 14:45:00 UTC
Have you seen the video,,,"Loose change?"
2007-02-26 14:46:00 UTC
You have too much time on your hands.

Perhaps you should get a job and let the Conspiracy Freaks make up the silly conspiracies.

No one pays any attention to these lies anymore, except some school kids and nuts.
critter man
2007-02-26 14:46:26 UTC you should find it relevant
2007-02-26 14:43:26 UTC
godzilla stepped on it..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.