9-11 WAS inside JOB - Can you debate these facts????
2007-08-18 05:32:25 UTC
Compare the temperature at which Steel melts(2750 degrees)


An open jet fuelled fire can only reach a maximum temperature of 1200 DEGREES FARENHEIT <>

One would need TERMITE to cut down a Steel Framed building

LIQUID steel was found underneath ALL 3 buildings

How do you Anti 9/11 pro bushy's argue those facts of SCIENCE!!!!
34 answers:
David M
2007-08-18 06:03:20 UTC
Interesting that when I saw this question, it had 11 answers. The cons attacked the questions. Two persons gave you serious answers. Only one person mentioned the melted steel. So, if the jet fuel can cause the steel in the structure to bend and twist--the melted steel is still unexplained. The unknow workers in the building over the weekend are ignored in most of the answers. The portion of your question about cutting off power to the building is not completely clear to me, but that is unanswered. You have presented scientific facts that should be answered with contra FACTS, but most failed to do so. Frankly, I don't know what happened, but your facts deserve an explanation and instead you're just flamed for a legimate question. I do not believe our leaders are incapable of killing people for political gain. So--I'll get a bunch of thumbs done and you get flamed. What you don't get are reasonable answers.
2007-08-20 20:50:28 UTC
Actually its thermate (with sulphur addition) and Professor Steven Jones has actually tested steel samples from the towers, he definitely found thermate traces. The one major thing he did point out was 'yellow molten metal' flowing from the impact floors. Its on all the news footage so theres no denying it happened. Now the only material on earth that can flow yellow in a liquid state is thermate (Im no scientist but I would presume its the sulfur that makes it appear yellow.) Now Ive seen the videos, so have millions of people , most without realising what they were looking at. But Steven Jones is a very learned man, he studies things like this, and I believe what he has found is definite proof of thermate cutting charges. If you believe Bush's story or not you need to watch a free to air doco called "911 Mysteries" it offers up a multitude of reasons why 911 happened the way it did, most if not all of them scarily believable.....

The film maker Sofia Smallstorm cannot tell you that it definitely was an inside job, all she does is present the facts and once youve watched it you will start thinking....that much I can promise you.

And one more thing while Im here........the Bush apologists will always argue that the steel didnt need to melt to cause the floors to collapse, thats fair enough BUT. What they expect us to believe is that the support clips all failed at the impact floors which caused a pancake effect right??? Seems like a reasonable argument, even the official report tells us the floors pancaked. But there is one major flaw that they cant explain and Ill tell you what it is. For a floor to pancake it has to fall through space to hit the floor beneath it, this breaks the supports holding up the lower floor and so on (about 80 times till the mass reaches ground level.) now even if we give each floor an amazingly fast half second to travel through that space crushing all the support steel, girders, steel mesh, interior walls, office furniture etc, the real world time for the impact floors to reach ground level should have been around 40 seconds!!! (thats 80 storeys collapsing in a half second each!!!!

That plainly did not happen because THERE WAS NO PANCAKING!!!! The towers dropped within 14 seconds, almost as fast as freefal speed!!! And the only way that could have happened was by severing the 48 steel columns at the core, and probably severing the foundation steel in the basements also, there is no two ways about it.

The Bush apologists physics dont hold up to scrutiny, they dont hold up to critical analysis, and why so many videos all over the net showing survivors and firemen, cops and reporters all mentioning explosions inside the buildings?
Jason M
2007-08-20 19:52:06 UTC
First of all, George Bush will go down in history as the worst president our country has seen so far. Dick Cheney embodies the evil, good ol boy network that runs this country. Karl Rove is an often over-looked puppet master who may be the worst of the bunch.

Having said all that, anyone who believes in 9.11 conspiracies is a moron. I would like one simple question answered for me - which every conspiracy theorist conveniently fails to address - who planted the explosives? If there were mysterious workers in the buildings before September 11th, where are they? Who planted the bombs? Do you all seriously think this could be covered up? If you haven't paid attention, our government is not great at keeping secrets. Especially one which probably would have had to involve dozens, if not hundreds, of people.

You all say there are irrefutable facts that say this is a conspiracy. Where are they? What facts? Your speculation based on an internet blog or a feeling you have is not fact. Quoting laboratory tests about the melting points of steel, using that to prove this is a conspiracy is ridiculous. Try taking an engineering or physics class and maybe you'll learn something.
2007-08-18 06:18:44 UTC
Well, first of all there was no “liquid” metal found under the buildings. The only metal that is liquid at room temperature is mercury. Secondly, the melted metal that was found was 1. Aluminum (which melts at 1200*) 2. Copper (which melts at 1350*) 3. Lead (which melts at 600*) Third why do you believe that fire only reached a temperature of 1800* ? A match burns at less then 800* but, when put to the right fuel, can start a fire that will burn at over 5000*? The truth is no one knows just how hot it got in there.

Also, there was no evidence to show that the iron in the upper parts melted. In fact the recovered pieces show that the metal gave way due to heat fatigue and not melting. And, did you know that three buildings collapsed that day? Many forget about the smaller 51 story building that feel 9 hours later. No one there thought it collapsed due to anything else but the massive weight from tower two and the heat of the fire burning inside. Why where there “explosions” just before the towers feel?

Do this little test, get a cinder block, the kind made from concrete that they use to build foundations with, and heat it for 10 minutes with nothing more then a plumber’s soldering torch. Now tap it with a hammer and see what happens. Do a little bit of research and you will see that concrete never full “cures” in fact some moisture is trapped inside. When that moisture is exposed to enough heat for a long enough period of time the concrete will explode just like a stick of dynamite. Ever see a highway give out in the middle of summer, people report hearing an explosion just has it buckles.
2007-08-20 12:11:53 UTC
Very Good - but some of your facts are wrong.

Marvin Bush isn't the presidents cousin. Marvin is his younger brother. He also was on the Board of Directors of one of the 25 insurance companies that received a reward for not doing there own investigations the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act which gave them a new product to sell.

The molten steel found weeks after 9/11 was 500 Degrees hotter than jet fuel even burns.

The BBC announced WTC 7 collapse 23 minuets before it happened.

Please view this short music video regarding 911 building 7.

In 1998, The day after the Port Authority of NY & NJ announced the first successful landing of a commercial aircraft at it's Newark Airport based on Global Positioning System they put the World Trade Center on the public market.

Mr. Silverstein hired an insurance broker to calculate how much insurance he would need to insure the complex. He insured it for about half of what is own insurance agent recommeded and after the Court awarded the damages Mr. Silverstein went back and tried to double his award based on two planes two incidents. He won that arguement but the damages awarded was not quite doubled.
2007-08-21 20:18:31 UTC
Give the pro Bush brigade a break ....they cant admit they backed the wrong horse because its just too much of a disgrace to admit they were wrong, plus its a proven fact that people with low critical thinking abilities actually get a buzz out of denying ideas or arguments that are strongly different to their own. I have seen just about all the 911 footage there is and it ALL points towards a demo job on all 2 buildings. The 3 billion dollar insurance payout to the lease holder of all 3 buildings and the unexplained and un investigated collapse of WTC7 is the strongest proof there is for an inside job, case closed, hang the perpetrators I say.
andy r
2007-08-19 10:10:48 UTC
Hi Independant,

And the other 16% of sleeping Americans. The word was thermite not termite. It is an explosive element in demolitions that uses the surrounding elements to increase in temperatures above the threshold needed to blast things into fine dust particles.

Anyone who throws dirt on a gas fire should know that the fire gets extiguished, and doesn't proceed downward in a controlled fashion. Wake up sleeping americans. Your govt. doesn't represent you. It investigated 911, 411 days later and then proceeded to obstruct the committee established to investigate it. They didn't answer 75% of the questions asked..

Any person with a pea brain intelligence would be able to see a COVER-UP.

Hydrocarbon jet fuel burn to a max of 825 celsius this is not enough to melt steel. The obvious reason people refuse to see the facts is that they want to believe that GWB-Cheney are good ole boys who have your best interests at heart. They don't want to believe that the people that were elected to serve them actually served themselves to the mega rich revenues of oil fields of Iraq and built the necessary pipeline across Afghganistan to tap into the other mega rich oil fields of Kahzikstan. They don't want to believe that their tax payer revenues have also been hijacked and used for massive unnaccountable expenditures in a war against two third world countries.

WAKE-UP Americans.
2007-08-18 06:20:33 UTC
Hello There!

Well, I would believe anything regarding the World Trade Center. ANYTHING that is based in fact. There are many people alive who lived and worked in the World Trade Center and apparently they are being ignored. I know for a fact that some of the things in the video about the WTC are the truth. The WTC was never able to be profitable! NOPE! NEVER!

I actually saw the WTC Towers go down with my own eyes from a vantage point along the Hudson River, and it was very, very strange. It actually looked like a controlled implosion to me.

Sure people can always tell us that the building was designed to collapse that way. . .sure. . .sure. . .but not with big jumbo jets inside each building! Nobody could have designed for that!!! Neither of those Jets were Dead Center in the buildings now, were they? How come that didn't make anything fall sideways?

There are so many, many unanswered questions regarding this situation. . .too many to even try to think about . . at least for me.

I was a frequent visitor to the WTC and the surrounding area. And when in that area, I always parked my car at the valet parking at the WTC.

I was a technical instructor for many years, and lost almost 200 of my former students in the WTC. Nobody can imagine just how awfull that time was for so many people. . . and now we have nothing but BS. .yeah, more and more BS to swallow!

We will never get the truth until we elect an administration from a 3rd party, and if we don't do it fast, the truth will never come out! The Republicans and the Democrats are obviously ALL covering up what happened!

Let's never forget that while Bush was reading My Pet Goat, he found the time to issue the order "STAND DOWN" to any fighter jets anywhere along the route those hijacked planes took! They had the time to do SOMETHING! ANYTHING! But Bush chose not to do anything at all.

For endless days, I watched the Hudson River for signs of any help from the military installations that are in Upstate NY along the Hudson River. There was NONE!

Why did it become the job of the NYPD, the NYFD and volunteers from all over this country to act to help and to clean up? The Feds were nowhere to be found! There was nothing provided to NYC by the Feds! Oh, yeah, we had the Grandstanding by Bush. . saying that he would have the Federal government give NYC $20 Billion! How much has the City received. . .a pitance when I last looked!

And how many people are still "missing" and how many people who were killed were never reported? Plenty! But let's never forget that Bush referred to the WTC and a few other critical incidents as "hitting the Trifecta". . . Not only did the WTC collapse to rubble that day. . . .So did our Constitution!

All very convenient indeed!

There is a song by Simon and Garfunkel that always makes me cry, and really is pretty prophetic when you consider that they wrote it many years ago. . .it is called "American Tune". Look up the lyrics and cry. And remember that the last thing that many of the victims saw from the WTC was the Statue of Liberty.

I can't write anymore. . .I am getting too upset. . .
2007-08-18 11:41:42 UTC
As others have said, the fire did not need to melt the steel to bring the buildings down; it just had to weaken the steel sufficiently. At 1000 degrees the steel is weakened to 50% of its normal strength; at 1800 degrees it has only 10% of its normal load-bearing capacity.

And think about this logically; if an office fire cannot weaken steel sufficiently to cause a collapse, then why do they fireproof steel in office buildings? Just for fun?.

Liquid steel was not found under all three buildings. Liquid metal certainly was described by some observers, but it is far more likely that the liquid metal was aluminum (melts at 1220 degrees). There was plenty of aluminum in the buildings as the steel columns had aluminum cladding. NASA took thermal satellite images in the days after 9-11 and described hot spots up to 1500 degrees. Again, not hot enough to melt steel.

The "termite" claim did give me a chuckle, though.
Perry L
2007-08-19 22:46:29 UTC
Hello...Is that a joke? You gave a link to the Government web-site about identifying mis-information. If nothing else that is the pot calling the kettle black.

It is so obvious that 9/11 was an inside job that I wont even debate the point anymore. If people are that stupid, or stupefied, they are beyond hope. It truly is a shame our education (indoctrination) system has produced a country full of morons incapable of critical thinking...or even smelling BS when it is shoved down their throats. Just check out the answers from the sheeple facts just name calling and insults...because the FACTS prove 9/11 was an inside job!
clarence g
2007-08-18 07:43:50 UTC
Damn! I'm sorry for the pain you feel right now Connie 111,but just remember things will get better. For all the people that back Bush I cant put in to words how I feel but we all get what we deserve.I pray that we all look at the evidence and come to a belief of what happened.It is true we will all not agree but we can respect each others beliefs.Its crazy, all the young man that started the question was doing is trying to inform the public on what he feels to be an injustice for you and I and he gets torn down for it. What happened has nothing to do with who side your on its about truth.
2016-10-10 15:42:46 UTC
The media could desire to end FABRICATING expenditures from human beings. Mr. Becker under no circumstances used the words "interior activity." All he mentioned became that because of BBC pictures and the Larry Sliverstein interview that there became sparkling information of "foreknowledge" which ought to be investigated. and that may not conspiracy "thought", it incredibly is conspiracy fact. Silverstein saved asserting "we" and "they" that's 2 or extra which inserts the definition of conspiracy. The theories are all because of fact there is not any longer yet an entire analyze into different information. "inspect 9/11" that's what Mr. Becker mentioned!
2007-08-18 15:45:29 UTC
How about these facts: steel weakens from heat long before it melts, aluminum (and other like metals that make up airframes) burns very hot, shaped charges will cut through steel (I am saying the shaped charges were used), thermite is a burnable metal like metals that make up airframes, the force of gravity increases with mass.

Instead of parroting lab science, go ask an engineer that works with the real world. They will tell you the the WTC towers fell due to the two aircraft that struck them.
2007-08-18 06:50:37 UTC
A reason to attack Afghanistan was a necessity for USA , so USA got it , who and how designed the 911 plan , honestly is a non proved case , but burden of concrete proof still on USA , only media propaganda could not produce the proof , yes it may and it had made minds of masses.
2007-08-21 20:20:34 UTC
Definitely an inside job.
2007-08-19 23:44:45 UTC
Okay, then please explain this to me.

A fuel tanker has an accident on a freeway. It explods, underneath an overpass. The overpass collaspes. Now here is were it gets confusing for me, because the steel supports melt.

And you are going to try to tell me that 2 large jetliners carrying all that fuel could not melt that steel or at the very least, weaken it? Please.

How much of the liquid steel did YOU find?
2007-08-18 05:42:13 UTC
The evidence is overwhelming, and why people are so quick to just toss this aside, instead of looking into it only shows they care not about america, and about justice, but

are either weakminded or supportive of protecting a curropt and evil administration

P.S. People say Bush is hes ruthless

if hes incompetent, peopletreat him as if hes a fool, and thats different than dealing with someone whos as rooten as they come.

Remmeber how he attacked dems before 06 elections.

thats ruthless

IF THE FORCE OF PLANES KNOCKED OFF THE FIREPROOF COATING -- than whats the excuse for the building that wasnt struck #7???

LOLA C---why was melted steel foun at all 3 sites???

not bent, but liquid steel??
2007-08-21 21:44:41 UTC
Inside job fo sho!!!
2007-08-18 06:24:46 UTC
One thing that you fail to mention is that a temperature in excess of 900 degrees would compromise the structural integrity of steel. That is all that was required - not melting but weakening - to bring the towers down.

As for the "molten steel", that has been bedunked at my link. Several people claimed to have seen "molten metal" at ground zero, not "molten steel".

I am NOT a "pro bushy". I just don't believe he had the intelligence or time to execute a plan of this scale.
2007-08-18 05:45:25 UTC
Jet fuel burns at 800º to 1500ºF, not hot enough to melt steel (2750ºF). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength--and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."
2007-08-18 06:06:21 UTC
Ever heard of kinetic energy? Take a 1kg hammer and hit a piece of metal, it heats up. Now take a hundred odd ton hammer traveling at 1000 km/h and hit something. Molten metal is common in plane crashes. Your statements are not facts of science, its products of a warped mind. I'm not from the US or a pro bushy , but I'm anti idiot. Go speak to a proff in physics in Germany , Russia or Japan he will tell you. Stop getting info from stupid racist websites
2007-08-18 05:44:25 UTC
The force of the plane hitting the steel knocked the fire-proofing off the steel. This allowed the steel to structure to fail.

How would you explain that both buildings' failure started near the impact. Are you saying the bozos that did this aimed the planes at specific floors?

If it was an inside job, why not just use explosives, and skip the planes?

I agree with the previous poster - get a life.
Hey Buddy
2007-08-18 06:04:23 UTC
very very interesting stuff.

It sucks that the investigations were so hard to get bush to agree to.

that took forever.

and all these people are silly for saying it couldnt be bush and most of them dont even know the facts.

theyre like the blind sheep that bush wants them to be
Debra D
2007-08-18 05:42:06 UTC
If all power was shut down days before 9/11, why did 3,000 go to work that day? I think Bush is a moron but that doesn't mean I believe 9/11 was an inside job. Bush couldn't organize a trip to the bathroom let alone carry out a conspiracy of that magnitude.
2007-08-18 06:19:46 UTC
If all your 9-11 theories were correct something would have come to light by now.

It is just a way to drag it and anyone around it through the mud again. It was not an inside job, we are NOT cold calculated killers!
mick t
2007-08-18 05:49:25 UTC
No one can debate the facts, they just call you names. Obviously it was an inside job, but no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
2007-08-19 16:24:11 UTC
2007-08-19 06:23:06 UTC
You guys have lost your grip on reality. I suggest you review these two links.

I hope all 3000 ghosts of that day haunt you.

Why only two links for two points which all you guys are worth.
2007-08-18 21:18:31 UTC
2007-08-18 05:48:15 UTC
Okay, I thought termites ate wood pulp, when did they get used for eatting steel?

I laugh in your face. If they weren't going out of business I would tell you to get a job at the weekly world news.
2007-08-18 05:56:59 UTC
I will rebutt your comments in one single comment: you are wrong and your desire to blame the Bush administration should be met with a libel and defamation of character lawsuit.

We have grown massively weary of you and your types, if you aren't on the Al Quaeda payroll, you should be, because all you are doing is aiding and abetting their game plan.

You and your theory are nothing short of criminal.
2007-08-18 05:54:14 UTC
Popular Mechanics debunked ALL of your silly "facts" over two years ago. Stop smoking that ganja and wake up! You are being lied to and manipulated all right but not by Bush...
2007-08-18 06:07:07 UTC
another conspiracy theory..get over it
2007-08-18 05:42:23 UTC
Get a life. You obviously need one.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.