Don't you think an article like this has to be long?(It may only take 4 mins to read it,is that too much?)
2007-01-11 07:41:38 UTC
Note:I'm not arguing or something, Americans say they understand what I'm saying, this is only for correcting some wrong opinions, not for blaming you or the others.Hope you understand me.

Hi people.I'm Iranian and I live in Iran.When I chat with people from other countries, I understand that they have totally wrong ideas about Iran.I just wrote this article to correct you.
The first thing they accuse our government of, is that they don't let you be free.Actually, Iranians would be some of the most free people in the world, since thousands of millions of strict rules in other countries, don't even exist in Iran.Our goverment tried to not to let western cultures influence ours, by prohibiting videos and sattelites, but in Iran every single house has one sattelite. Sattelite channels have a serious influence on people, now the way they wear clothes sounds like western countries, only there are scarves that don't seem to be worn because we're Muslems.People wear fashionable scarves to make themselves more attractive and most part of their hair is out.They do whatever they wish to, and some of the things they do, don't fit our culture at all, however it's normal in Iran, since people have got used to such acts and behaviours.You really need to pay a visit to Iran and you'll be surprised seeing the difference between what you imagine and how the real Iran is! It's wonderful, believe me.The Iran you know, is related to at least 40 years ago.At present, everything's so great.Even at that time Iran was not a bad country either, but many things have changed so far.
Some people think music is forbidden in Iran, but did you know that Iranian pop music has won the nobel prize in France?Iran's full of music and they're all current pop music.The best you've ever heard, and in case you're curious to hear some, e-mail me and I'll send you some.
Some people think women don't have any rights in Iran! What would you tell me if I tell you that women are now overtaking Iran? They're treated very well, most of the times they're the winners in most cases: They get into the best universities, they get the best jobs, they've got rights that have made it difficult for men to marry them, because husbands seem to be under control of women and they have to buy them expensive things and treat them very well, otherwise women will have the right to divorce them, and then the their husbands have to pay them a great amount of money which most husbands cannot afford. (so, they can simply sit in the corner of prison! lol).Another funny thing: Your footage about stoning the women who have committed adultery.Have you ever asked yourself they relate to how many years ago?Just for your information, those are from Afghanistan which was once ruled by those freaks (Taliban).I find it difficult to make you understand that Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are SEPERATE COUNTRIES! and thet we're Persian not Arab!And I find it even more difficult to make you understand that Iran is a normal country like any other countries in the world.There's nothing mysterious about it!(The media is very good at making good scary titles: BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS!!! IRAN UNDERCOVER!!! This would be enough to scare people away! Iranians are much more educated,sophisticated, intelligent and open-minded than what you think!!! I'm sure you don't know that there are lots and lots of Iranian geniouses and scientists that are all under 25.You don't hear about their discoveries and inventions on TV. A small example is this 17 year old boy who's invented 72 amazing inventions that the biggest scientist haven't ever managed to.You don't know that Iranian students are winning gold and silver medals in different compotitions in the world all the time such as robots, biology,maths,physics,anything! Why don't your media talk about them?
Some people think, Iran's a desert! Iran's a modern country with very beautiful nature and lots of historical places to visit.Please take a look at the following links and see if Iran looks like what you think or not! (Surely it doesn't!)
This is a photo of Tehran:

If you like you can visit these too, hope you like them:

See how the media are fooling people? None of the things you hear on the media about Iran are true.So, please don't worry about us, cos we're really free.Ok?

I thought it's better to clarify some political matters as well:
Some of the Americans I chatted with (not all of them), said here in the U.S it's said that president Ahmadinejad hates the U.S and Israel and wants to nuck them!! Now, this is so odd, their media is good at putting comments, it's easy to show a video or an image of our president or leader on the T.V screen or on the internet and say he says this, he says that.....
First of all you should know that Iranians don't hate anyone, if our government complains about some injustice that's now going on in the world, it's not bad.Is it? Nor do we hate Jews, nor do we hate Americans.They're both nice people.If they're media is fooling them, it's not their fault.If I were in thier shoes, I would hate Iran too regarding all the terrible lies they keep hearing about it nearly everyday.Who says we want to force the others to convert to Islam?Have you ever found a Muslem that knocks at your door and asks you to do so?Who says we call Americans athiests?That's so funny, Christians and Jews are both God believers.We've never disrespected them.I wonder why the media like putting words in our mouth and raising hatred.In Iran, religion would be the least important thing, it means that where you come from and what you're religion is, are not important for us at all.And I wonder why some Muslim countries think there's a problem between Shittes and Sunnies, it doesn't make sence in Iran.
I wonder Iran is a threat to whom? How is it possible for Iran to nuke somewhere while it doesn't have any nukes?!!!(The media have never been intelligent liars).Has Iran ever attacked anywhere?
Some say he said: Israel should be wiped off the map! But have they told you the rest of his speech and that why he's said this at all? If you know a little literature, you know that it's a passive sentence.He's never said that IRAN wants to wipe Israel off the map! And he wasn't talking about destroying Israel, he was talking about relocating Israel, so that they could live seperate from Palestinians and they could both live in peace.They've only told you this phrase not the rest of it and it's mistranslated deliberitely.Be concious! Iran's always defended itself, but it's not an offensive country, while most countries have nukes and are clearly threatening Iran to nuke us! Good isn't it? Some say he's said: Holocaust is a myth! Ok, he's said this, but is saying it a crime? If 6000000 Jews were killed, that's so terrible, but those 300000 Shiite Moslems who were killed by Saddam aren't important at all! 650000 Iraqi people are killed and it's not important! When Fox News simply says: America and Israel are capable of destroying and killing all Iran's 690000000 population (, it's OK and no one says they're treatening other countries to nuke them (I saw this with my own eyes on the Fox News web-site)
Four answers:
2007-01-11 08:09:00 UTC
A lot of people in America doesn't agree with what our government does.I am one. I think ignorance breeds racism. Most people are scared of anything different than they are. The only way for this to get any better is talking. When you refuse to talk there is no way to get along.By you writing this in a small way will help. Peace
2007-01-11 16:33:03 UTC
I respect your views on life in Iran. You live there, and obviously, have been raised with acceptance and dedication to both your religion, and government.

Before the overthrow of the Shah forcing him into exile in 1979, America was a friend to Iran. When Iran became an Islamic Republic this happened:

Conservative clerical forces established a theocratic system of government with ultimate political authority nominally vested in a learned religious scholar. Iranian-US relations have been strained since a group of Iranian students seized the US Embassy in Tehran on 4 November 1979 and held it until 20 January 1981. During 1980-88, Iran fought a bloody, indecisive war with Iraq that eventually expanded into the Persian Gulf and led to clashes between US Navy and Iranian military forces between 1987-1988. Iran has been designated a state sponsor of terrorism for its activities in Lebanon and elsewhere in the world and remains subject to US economic sanctions and export controls because of its continued involvement.

Excerpt taken from:

I don't remember hearing anyone claim that Iran is a backward country. I'm sorry you are having to explain that education is important there, as well as its architectural beauty.

Also, when you say that Ahmadinejad did not mean what he said, I have to say that on October 27, 2005 he said:

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Iran's new president has repeated a remark from a former ayatollah that Israel should be "wiped out from the map," insisting that a new series of attacks will destroy the Jewish state, and lashing out at Muslim countries and leaders that acknowledge Israel.

The remarks by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- reported by Islamic Republic News Agency -- coincide with a month-long protest against Israel called "World without Zionism" and with the approach of Jerusalem Day.

Excerpt from:

You may have satellites, but you are censored as to what you can watch, listen to and read.

This is some of what is going on:

Using arbitrary arrest and incarceration to decimate its independent press, the Islamic Republic has been the Middle-East’s biggest prison for journalists and cyber-dissidents since 2000”, the group said.

“Nowadays fewer journalists are imprisoned in Iran but this does not mean the authorities have relaxed the pressure on the press. Journalists are now often released provisionally after several days or weeks in detention, but no date is set for their trial, still less for their acquittal or the withdrawal of charges. Sometimes they are given prison sentences without ever being ordered to report to prison.

“Prosecutions that are delayed and sentences that are not implemented are threats that hang over journalists and prevent them from writing freely”, it added.

The group said that Ahmadinejad’s government and Iran’s judicial authorities had turned the entire country into the “region’s biggest open prison”.

Excerpt from:

Thank you for taking the time to write your view.
2007-01-11 15:46:29 UTC
I wonder how the yahoo engine allowed such a long article to be uploaded when the maximum limit is only 1000 characters!!!!!!!!!
2007-01-11 15:54:54 UTC
I think the author made his point quite brilliantly.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.