2013-09-23 11:49:03 UTC
I will be asking questions to help create dialogue around this and many other important topics so please add me to your Answers Network so that we can begin exchanging ideas and hopefully make changes that will benefit the future.
Yahoo! Answers Staff note: Yahoo! Answers is a forum for people from all over the world to engage with one another and to find information on topics that interest them. This is not an endorsement. We are not siding with any candidate or party -- in general or for the 2008 US elections. We're hopeful that people from all perspectives will realize the great insights that the Answers community can have, and will turn to us for future discussions.
7 anos atrás
I was tremendously impressed by the thoughtfulness of the responses to my question. There is, of course, no single best way to engage more people in the democratic process. I believe we all need to do more work on encouraging more people to participate in the process and make sure every community is included in the discussion. There were hundreds of worthy and thought-provoking responses. In fact, some were so intriguing that I arranged to speak personally with their creators. To hear my conversation with one user, who wrote about the parallels between family and democracy, click below. http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=74…